Saturday, June 4, 2011

What not to do, and why.......

Both of these "not do" things, have to do with the "Chastening of the LORD"...
Chastening, seems to be used today in a more negative, or punitive way. But, it's actual meaning has more to do with simple instruction, and correction, that can include discipline, but it's not punishment.

Proverbs 3:11 My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, Nor detest His correction;

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights.

So, two things we are not to do when the LORD is chastening us.

1. Do not despise the chastening of the LORD. Which means, not to refuse, abhor, reject, run, or ignore. These are tendencies we have, these are attitudes and actions that we might want to have when the LORD is instructing us. We might want to just run away from it. But, we are being told here, that wisdom does not despise the LORD'S instruction, correction etc. Like, "I'm just not going to pay attention to this"

2. Nor detest the LORD'S correction. This means, don't be discouraged, weary, distressed, be grieved, loathe, or to have a sickening dread. Like, "I can't take this"

These are two very natural responses that we have to guard against happening in our lives.

And, now the reason why the LORD would chasten us.....It's because He loves us. He chastens those He loves, ( just as a father would to his own son in whom he delights )

God's love for us, helps us to realize why He is instructing, correcting, etc, and this realization is given to us to help us avoid these 2 tendencies to ignore it, or to be discouraged when it's happening.

Father, we love You, because You first loved us. Thank You for any and all chastening that You give to us, and please help us to avoid these 2 tendencies. In fact, would You please help us to remember Your love at these times. In Jesus name, amen.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Applicational thoughts and promises.

1. We are saved, but still have to deal with our flesh.
2. It's the flesh that wants to ignore and be discouraged.
3. Satan does not point us to God's love during chastening.
4. The Holy Spirit is the one wrestling with our souls and minds.
5. Love for us is why God instructs us.
6. Humility and faith are needed more then ever during chastening.
7. Chastening brings good fruit when it's completed.
8. Be patient, God's plan will work itself through in our lives.