Thursday, October 17, 2013


Note: A crisis, is defined as a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger, perhaps a time where there is trouble in the family, or a time when a difficult or important decision must be made. A turning point in your life. 
Ps 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him.
Some explanatory thoughts, and application:
1. This verse tells us a lot about God and the Christian.
2. He is our LORD. The word LORD here, means, "The existing one" It's the proper name for the one true God. So, our LORD exists. He is not a figment of our imagination, He is not a made up character, He exists, and He is so many more things for us.
3. He is also our strength and our shield. Strength, means, fortress, might, and Shield, comes from a word meaning to defend, to surround. So, our Lord is these two things for us, especially as we face crisis. 
4. Here's what David did, in a time of crisis. He trusted in God with his heart. Which resulted in God helping Him. And, it also resulted in David greatly rejoicing and singing a song of praise to the Lord. 
5. When David says "my heart trusted" it means, he had confidence in and hoped with expectancy in God. And, when he says God "helped" him, it means, that God supported him, and comforted him, and gave him aid in his trouble. 
6. Lastly, David talks about rejoicing and singing to the Lord. This is what happens to anyone who puts their trust in God, and it's what will happen to you also, as you put your trust in Him.
A prayer for those facing a crisis at this time:
Lord, we thank You for this beautiful Scripture, which both lifts our hearts to You, and gives us comfort, and it gives us instruction as to what to do in our times of crisis. We pray that today, You might really bring the truth of this Scripture home to our minds and our hearts. We love You very much Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia