Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Common Miracle - Be Still and Know That I Am God Part 5

Below is an excerpt of Chapter 3 from "A Common Miracle" by Pastor Bob Grenier.

One day, I rented a car from a Mr. Oliver H., who had a car rental agency in Montego Bay. I allowed one of my Jamaican friends to use it, and he banged it up a bit. I turned the car in without any acknowledgement that it had been damaged. Well, Mr. H. had me summoned to his office; and there I sat in front of this man who was about to be used by God to change the course of my life for eternity. I don’t even remember him talking to me about the car and the damage done to it. I only remember him talking to me about the damage I was doing to myself. “If you keep this up, you will kill yourself,” he said to me. “Using this Ganja will destroy your life. Living the way you are will ruin your life,” he said. And then he pulled out the little pocket Bible that I mentioned earlier. He opened it to Psalm 46:10, read it to me and then gave the little Bible to me.
As I sat there in front of Mr. H., I started crying and sobbing. From deep inside me came this feeling of being naked emotionally and not knowing what was happening to me, except that Mr. H.’s words were piercing my soul ... hitting me life a knife ... stunning me inside. Nothing like this had ever happened to me in my life. I don’t think I had cried since I was a child. The only other time was sitting by my dad’s coffin. But now, here in this car rental office, my life was about to change. Mr. H. went on, and every word cut like an arrow into my life. There was no response from me to him, that I can remember. I wonder what he thought as he was speaking to me and after I left his office ... “no hope for this one.”
Can I tell you something I’ve found out over these years of knowing Christ? It’s about the Bible. The Bible is God’s Word to man, and He uses it to change lives, just as He did with me. I didn’t know then, when that little pocket Bible was given to me, that it would become my most treasured possession. I’ve long since lost that very Bible; but the Bible is my everyday companion, for in it I have found a relationship with my Father in heaven through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God. If you are in a turmoil and tailspin at this time in your life, like I was, may I direct you to that very same Scripture, Psalm 46:10 — “Be still, and know that I am God.” May God bless it to your soul, as He did to mine. 

Coming Soon, Chapter 4 Part 1