Sunday, June 5, 2011

Betrayed, Lied about, and denied. But, an understanding Saviour

The last half of Mark 14 is filled with human tragedy, and Divine love.
Please take a look at Mark 14:43-72.
It's the story of Judas betraying Christ for 30 pieces of silver.
It's the story of the high priest gathering lies and liars to condemn Jesus
It's the story of Jesus calm, composed, truthful, humble, and focused.
It's the story of Peter who was also one of the 12, and his denial of Christ.

But, as we say, that's not the end of the story........but, first...........what about you, and your experiences.

Perhaps you have suffered at the hands of someone like a Judas, who has betrayed you, and they did it for personal gain. Your betrayer may have been a close friend, a family member, even a spouse. Whoever it was, they betrayed you.

Or, you may have had one person, or a group of people tell falsehoods about you. They got to together, and came up with stories that were not only true, but were designed to help someone's goal to remove you from your place, or to somehow hurt you.

And, finally, maybe you have had a very close friend, or family member, or fellow worker, who has denied, or abandoned you in your darkest and most difficult moment.

I would imagine you have had these things happen to you.

But to the end of the story now........Jesus was the other person in the background of Mark 14. He stood silently for the most part, composed, and un-troubled by what was happening to HIm.

Two things about Jesus.

1. He is as Heb chapter 2 tells us, able to sympathize with us. He truly understands, because He went through all of what we have just read about in Mark 14, and much, much more. He not only sympathizes, but, through His understanding, He is able to give us help in our situations.

2. Along with His being understanding, He specifically came to the earth for people like betrayers, liars, and those who would deny and abandon etc, etc, He came not for the righteous but for the sick. Those who need a spiritual doctor.

Here's the final, and I hope encouraging thought for you out of this story.......He is also the restorer, the one who can take a person like Peter, and restore him, and wind up using him as a mighty New Testament vessel.

We do not know what happened to Judas, in his heart, in his last moments before death. We don't know what happened to the other liars who conspired against Christ. But we do know about the apostle Peter.

He is the example for us of failure, yet, rescue by God's grace, and not only drawn back to Jesus, but then used by Jesus Christ.

So, may the same Jesus who we read about in Mark 14, be to You the rescuer, and the restorer either for you, or for someone you know who has betrayed, lied, and denied/abandoned.

Remember, Jesus came not to condemn, but to save. He is the savior.

Lord, thank You for this story from Mark's gospel. It really portrays the human condition, and You are Divine one and only Gracious, Merciful, Saving Savior.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia


1. You may be in a similar situation today, just as Jesus was.
2. Jesus knows and cares about you and your situation.
3. Patience right now may be the one thing the Lord is saying to you.
4. God will work all these things together for your good.
5. Maybe you have been the betrayer, or the liar.
6. The blood of Christ is able to wash away each and every sin.
7. Let's pray for restoration, just as in the case of Peter.
8. God desires a fruitful and blessed future for you.