Lastly, and here is what all of us want to avoid, and that is to be perverse, or to have perversity in our lives. It means to twist, to pervert, to distort, to overturn, to ruin, to be crooked in our dealings with others. This kind of living will bring destruction into our lives. It will absolutely devastate our lives. It will rob us of blessing, it will cause us to have wasted lives.
The good in our lives comes from the Lord through the Holy Spirit, working through God's Word, to produce fruit in our lives, and the bad, comes from our own fallen natures. The Bible calls it our flesh.
Here's some more good news......Our Lord, who is the Good Shepherd, wants to and will lead us this very day into humility, and into integrity. We can follow Him today. Let's do it.
Father, we used to sheep without a shepherd, and sometimes we even feel that way today, and may be acting like sheep without a shepherd. But, we know You are our shepherd, and we know that we can hear your voice, and that You want to and can, and will lead us today into the paths of righteousness. We want to follow You...
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia
1.We hear our Shepherd through His Word.
2. He knows each of His sheep.
3. He cares for His sheep.
4. We can follow Him.
5. The Holy Spirit is our helper.
6. Paths of righteousness lay ahead today.
7. Let's let Him lead us today.
8. Humility, Wisdom, Integrity, and Guidance are for us.
9. God can un-twist your heart.