Monday, February 24, 2014


Luke 8:38 The man who had been demon possessed begged to go, too, but Jesus said,
Luke 8:39 "No, go back to your family and tell them all the wonderful things God has done for you.” So he went all through the city telling about the great thing Jesus had done for him.
Some explanatory thoughts, application, and a prayer:
1. This is the tail end of a powerful change that took place in this man. He went from being one thing, to being another, all because of His encounter with the Son of God. What we see in these two verses is a brief description of what he had been, and of what he wanted to do, and what the Lord told him, ( "NO" ) and of what he then did. We will no doubt meet this man someday, today we only know him through the pages of scripture. But someday, in heaven, we will get to meet him. 
2. So, what happened that led up to the "NO" by Jesus. Especially in light of the request from the man begging to go with Jesus  in His travel back across the sea of Galilee?. 
3. This man who had been demon possessed, and actually had 6000 demons in him, had them cast out by Jesus. He wound up sitting at Jesus's feet, clothed, and sane. Christ had changed Him, by exercising His power over the demons that had been in this man for a long time. 
4. The man, ( we don't know his name ) was begging Christ, to accompany Him. He wanted to go with the man who had changed his life so dramatically. The Bible says, 1st John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us. So, it was very natural and normal for this man to want to go with Jesus. But, to his request, the Lord said, "NO"
5. But, that "NO" was far from the end of the story. Look again at what Jesus said to the man, and what the man did. 
Luke 8:39 "No, go back to your family and tell them all the wonderful things God has done for you.” So he went all through the city telling about the great thing Jesus had done for him.
No, You can't come with me, but, here's where I want you to go. And, here's what I want you do do. And, here's what the man did. 
(1) No go back to your family. Perhaps the main reason for this, is that Jesus knew the heartache the family must have been through for the long time that the man had been demon possessed, and Jesus wanted them to know that their family member had been set free.
(2) Jesus also no doubt, wanted the family to not only see a changed man, but to understand why he was changed. How did it happen. In other words, Jesus wanted them to hear the good news , it was Jesus Christ who changed the man life. Jesus told him, "tell them all the wonderful things God has done for you.” Wouldn't you love to have been there listening to that conversation. 
(3) Well, here's what happened to Jesus's instruction to the man. "So he went all through the city telling about the great thing Jesus had done for him." He was obedient to the call of Jesus on his life. He became a missionary/evangelist. He did not go only to his own home, but he went through the whole city telling them the great thing Jesus had done for him. He was a powerful witness. 
6. So, a "NO" from Jesus, probably means a "Go" in another direction. It might mean "wait" but, any direction from Jesus is fine.
And, it's not ours to question His direction, but to accept it as this man did. Good fruit will come into and through the lives who are willing to take an "no" and then a "go" God knows best what His plans are for our lives. 
A prayer:
Father, what a touching story. Thank you for letting us know about it. Thank You for making this man free of 6000 demons. That is mind blowing. And, thank You that Your "No" may just be followed by a "go". May we be like this man, who could take a "No" and then act on  "go" for you. May we tell everyone also what great things You have done for us. Open the doors, fill us with Power and humble boldness, that we might speak frankly, without any difficulty, and tell them what You have done for us, and what You are doing for us. We love You Lord, In Jesus name.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia