Tuesday, March 25, 2014



Rev 4:11 “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created.”

Some explanatory thoughts/application, and a prayer:

1. This verse is actually part of what is being said to God in heaven, by the 24 elders who are before the throne of God. Here's what they are saying. Rev 4:11 “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created.”

2. In looking at this verse more carefully we notice a number of truths.

(1) "You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power" In other words, it's right that God would receive this praise.

(2) God is called "Lord our God" He is indeed the Lord, the master, but please notice, the word, "our" He belongs to these 24 elders, just as the Lord belongs to You. You can say, Lord My God.
He has made it to be so, when He saved you. He became Your God.

(3) For you created everything. Imagine that for just a moment if you will. All that exists in heaven, and on earth, in the skies, in the stellar heavens, that is the stars, the planets, the galaxy's, everything that is in the oceans, and under the oceans, all things that are visible and invisible, i.e angelic beings, hell itself, the lake of fire, literally everything has been created by God. That alone would make Him worthy to receive glory, honor and power.

3. But, now, we get to the last part of this verse, and here's where it deals with, and explains to us about our purpose for existing. We may not think about why we are are here on this earth very often, or perhaps you have never really stopped to think, why am I here? Well, the answer is contained in this verse.

(1) Rev 4:11b "For you created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created.”

(2) Please notice the last part of the verse. "and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created.”

(3) We have been created and we exist for His pleasure.

(4) The word pleasure means, desire, or what God wishes, or has determined shall be done. Or the purpose of God. Or of what God wishes to be done by us. It speaks of will, choice inclination, desire, and pleasure.

4. So, when you simply put this together, God's purpose for creating you and putting you here on this earth, is for Him, it's for His good pleasure. God has put You here according to His desire, He has something for you to do. And, it's to live for His pleasure, or to do His will.

5. Now, in closing here's the wonderful truth of knowing and applying what we have just read and learned from God's Word, Guess what happens to you, when You line up your will day by day with God's will, ( which is that You have been created for His good pleasure ) ? You will find fulfillment and joy, and personal satisfaction that you cannot find anywhere else in life. No matter what you do, what you live for, what accomplish, or acquire, if you are not living for God, none of those things will bring you the true happiness and sense of personal fulfillment you long for.

6. It's truly only when we say, Lord, I want to live for Your pleasure, so, please guide me today, tomorrow, and each day of my life, to live for You, and to accomplish what You have for me to do.
You will be among that group of people who are truly happy, blessed, filled with joy, peace, and personal satisfaction, unlike those who live for themselves, and for their own pleasure.
So, this is God's purpose for Your life. To live for His pleasure.

A prayer:

Father, thank You for showing us all that we need to know in our lives. This particular truth goes right to the heart of what the vast majority of people want. To simply be happy and fulfilled.
And, here it is. You have created us for Your pleasure. And, how true it is, that we are the happiest when we yield ourselves to Your will, and walk in it day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year. We simply are blessed, because we are aligned with You, and with Your purpose for us. In Jesus name, amen

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia.