Monday, March 10, 2014


Ephesians 4:17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Some explanatory thoughts/application, and a prayer:
1. This verse includes the phrase, "the will of the Lord" And, it's included in a section of this chapter where Paul has been encouraging the followers of Jesus Christ to understand many practical aspects of walking in Christ. In fact, as you read through the chapter starting in 5:1, all the way through, it's a rich chapter, with much wonderful teaching covering a wide number of issues pertinent to the Christian life.
2. But here in verse 17, Paul is focusing on this one thing. It's really an application type verse, but it has this mention of "the will of God" in it as mentioned. And, Paul is telling us two things.
(1) Do not be unwise.
(2) But understand what the will of the Lord is.
3. Here's how it reads in the NLT Eph 5:17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do. It's easy to act thoughtlessly, especially since they and we today live in a world filled with so many things that are not in keeping with what God's will is. We can just be carried away in our thinking, and miss what God actually wants for us. But, on the other hand, Paul encourages us to "try and understand what the Lord wants you to do"
4. I've never run across a sincere Christian who is not interested in knowing what God's will is for them, and for a given situation they may be facing in their lives. In fact, You may be in a situation, where You are wanting to know that God's will is for you right now. You may be facing a crossroads in your life, or you may be in some seemingly desperate situation. And, here's this wonderful and encouraging verse to help you.
5. May I suggest this simple exercise and approach if you will. Just take a few minutes to prayerfully read Eph 5, starting in verse 1, and prayerfully ask the Lord to show You what He wants You to do. I'm fairly certain You will find more then you could have imagined right in these verses.
6. But, in closing, may I encourage you with this truth. The Holy Spirit is living right inside of You, and He is wanting to lead You, to guide You, to teach You the things He wants You to know. He is ready to take control of Your life, and to be the Helper in Your life that God intends Him to be. He knows the will of God, and He is more then capable of showing God's will to You. He also loves You, and is praying for You, and will take the things of Jesus Christ and show them to You, and bless You in more ways than You can imagine.
A prayer:
Lord, thank You for our church services yesterday. The many wonderful people that we were able to meet with, worship with, and sit together at Your feet, and hear Your Word proclaimed and to be encouraged in our walks with You. Thank You Lord for the body of Christ. And, thank You Lord for this verse Eph 5:17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do. How powerful it is. Would You please help us not to act without thought today, to not act in an unwise manner, we are so capable of it. But rather would You help us to try and understand what You have for us. We want to please You. When we are pleasing You, we are so pleased, It's really walking in Your will that brings the blessings of God into our lives. Thank You Father. In Jesus name. Amen.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia