Friday, May 13, 2011

Strife, it's cause and how to avoid it.

Pro 13:10 By Pride comes nothing but strife. But with the well -advised is wisdom.

The book of Proverbs has much to say about this subject, i.e strife, or contention. And here in 13:10, we are told it's cause, and we are told how to walk in wisdom, or not to have strife.

The cause of strife is pride. Pride means, arrogance, and presumption. So, the it's arrogance that brings about strife.

Arrogance, as defined Biblically, means, pomp, swelling, or proud. It's to have an attitude of self importance. That's how the dictionary defines it to. "having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. It's to be puffed up with conceit.
Self admiration, egotism, self-regard, smugness, big-headedness, vain glory.

It's the opposite of humility. That is pride is the direct opposite of humility.

But, with the well advised is wisdom. Or "those who receive counsel" is wisdom.
We do not naturally have God's wisdom. It must be given to us, and we must receive it.

And, if we are the kind of people who can receive counsel, it will help us not to walk in pride, and it will help us not to cause strife and contention.

So, Lord, here we are. People who need counsel, people who would want to receive counsel. Your counsel. Will You help us this day to be humble, to be receptive to You, and to have Your wisdom, and avoid being the cause of strife and contention.

We truly do love You, and we need You more then we know. Thank You Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
Pastor Bob Grenier


  1. I am really enjoying your blog --- it's like a spiritual power bar re-energivzing me mid day.

  2. dad....great message here....very good reminder of how this stuff can cause trouble in the body and how we as the body can avoid falling into these things...i love You dad
