Monday, February 27, 2012

Revelation 11:1-6 The Two Witnesses Part 1

John was given a reed, that was like a measuring rod. He was told by an angel to get up, and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.

He was also told what to leave out, or not measure. And, it was told John what would happen to the Holy City, ( Jerusalem ) for 42 months.

Additionally, it was told John, what the Lord would give to His two witnesses, and what they would do, and what they were, and what would happen to anyone who sought to harm them.

The 2 witnesses, would have power to keep the rain from falling, to turn waters into blood, and to strike the earth with plagues as often as they desired to do so.

We will look more closely at these two witnesses tomorrow, but below are just a few thoughts for your consideration and prayer.

Thoughts for reflection, explanation and application. 11:1-3

1. Just as John was given a task to do, so, God has given to each of us task also.
2. Our task, or our ministry comes from the Lord in each of our lives.
3. John's task, included detail as to what to do, and what not to do.
4. God is the one who sets the parameters of our ministries.
5. Jerusalem, will be undergoing some "treading upon "

Some additional thoughts for reflection, explanation and application: 11:4-6

1. God's two witnesses will be given power.
2. God will be "witnessing" to the world during the tribulation.
3. God will give power to these witnesses, just as He does to us today.
4. Acts 1:8 speaks of this great Holy Ghost power for God's people.
5. Jesus wants us to be a witness also.
6. The Holy Spirit gives us power to be witnesses.
7. Prophesy is the proclamation of God's Word.
8. The true witness is one who declares God's Word to others.
9. God sets the time and the limits for our ministries.
10. God's witnesses are in His hands, and He oversees them.
11. God's witnesses have very specific callings from Him.


1. What has God called you to do?
2. What is God calling you to do?
3. Are you doing what God has called you to do?
4. God has power for you, it comes from the Holy Spirit.
5. Jesus is coming, and now is the time for His servants to be active not sleeping.
6. Let God use you, it is the greatest blessing in our lives.
7. God used someone to affect your life, now it's your turn to be effective for God.
8. Praise the Lord what a joy to be moving along in His will.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

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