The purpose of our visit to the devastated area was to see how the Lord may be leading us to help with relief efforts in the months ahead. That plan seems to be coming together.
We also participated in a 2 day Annual Pastor's Conference, with about 200 in attendance. It was a blessing, and through all of the times of sharing and prayer, there was a constant theme of trusting in the Lord in the face of difficulty.
Some of you who may be reading this blog, may have experienced or be experiencing your own personal earthquakes and Tsunami's. Here in Japan, they have had over 1200 aftershocks.....And, you may also be experiencing the on-going effects or additional incidents and difficulties in your own life as well.
It's my prayer for you today, that God in His being the God of all Comfort, may give that to you today.
God is with you, and He will not forsake you, that is what the Bible says.
Also, the Bible teaches us that God is always working out a plan in and through the circumstances we find ourselves in.
May God help you to simply believe Him. He is faithful.
Blessings of His grace and peace be upon and in your life.
Pastor Bob Grenier