When the Lord told John to "write the things which you have etc, " He is referencing that John wound up putting into what we call the book of Revelation.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of God, is that God has the ability to tell us the future with precise accurate detail each and every time. The book of Revelation for the most part is just that, it's a preview into the future, very extensive, very detailed, and incredible to read and understand.
This is God's Word to us about the future.
Additionally, the book of Revelation includes two other things. One of those being the vision the Lord gave to John of Himself the Lord. That is what we have been looking at in the earlier verses in this chapter.
Secondly, we have in Revelation "the things which are" which is no doubt referencing the state of the church, that is, at the time of John's life, and is also a picture I believe of the state or condition the individual christian can find themselves in, and is no doubt as many believe also a picture of the church down through the ages, from John's time, right up till the coming of Jesus, or the church of the last days.
Thirdly, as mentioned earlier, "the things which will take place after this" That is, the events that will unfold at the end of the things which are, or after the church age, or at the end of the church age. This is the major part of the book of Revelation.
On a completely different note, the Lord Himself explains to John and us as to the "mystery of the seven stars" John had seen them in the right hand of Jesus, and then there were the seven goldend lampstands:
They are as follows. The seven stars are the angels, or the messengers, or the pastors of the seven churches. It's very comforting to know the place of these pastors. They are in His hand.
Not only as children of God are they in His hand, but as leaders they are also. The hand is what is used in life to help, to guide, to support, to give strength, to affirm, to comfort, etc, etc.
And, the last thing that is explained, are the seven lampstands, which are the "seven churches"
So, the Lord is in the midst of His church, with His hand upon the pastor's.
How the Lord loves His church. It's not a sideline or background, or secondary matter of importance to Him.
It's His bride, and it's His own body. It's why He came to the cross, to call people out into His kingdom.
The church is loved by Jesus Christ, and is what He alone can truly build up to and increase it.
So, this first chapter in Revelation helps set the stage and outline in many ways for the rest of the book.
We are promised a blessing for just reading it.
May God richly bless you.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia