Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Marveling at a lie, or Believing the truth of God's grace?

Those are the two mind sets at this point in the tribulation period.

We know from the last couple of chapters in Revelation, that the final wrath of God is being poured out at this point in chapter 17, through 18.

Then, Jesus will return to reign and rule on the earth for 1000 years.

When the rapture of the church takes place, the world will be left with no christians. But, throughout the tribulation period, multitudes will come to faith in Jesus Christ and be saved. Many will be martyred for their faith, and many will will survive, and be welcomed into the reign of Christ when He establishes His kingdom on the earth.

During the reign of the anti-christ, there will be a global unity both economically, and spiritually. Spiritual and commercial Babylon.

Both of these will be brought to an end by the Lord Jesus Christ. Chapter 17 deals with one of these Babylon's.

But, the thing that I would like to focus on from this chapter this morning, is the fact mentioned in 17:8 that says, "And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of life from the foundation of the world,"

So, what we see is the power of satan, through the anti-christ, is so powerful, to deceive unbelievers, that instead of being able to marvel at the wonderful grace of God, they are instead, marveling at the signs and wonders of hell through a man.

Instead of marveling at the wonder of the cross through a man from heaven, it's marveling at the man from hell as it were.

How powerful is sin and satan. But, as the Bible says, "where sin abounded, grace abounded much more" Rom 5:21b.....

So, we do know that God is greater then sin and satan of course. How wonderful to know this truth.
Unfortunately, for multitudes during the tribulation period, they will remain in their blinded condition, and perish under the wrath of God as recorded for us in these very chapters.

For believers, their names are to be found in "The Book of LIfe" There are many names in this Book.
Mine is there, and I rejoice with you if your's is there also.

May God bless you today.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia