Friday, December 20, 2013



2nd Cor 1:11 you also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many.

And, in the NLT, it reads, 2nd Cor 1:11 He will rescue us because you are helping by praying for us. As a result, many will give thanks to God because so many people’s prayers for our safety have been answered.

Some explanatory thoughts, application and a prayer:

1. Paul who had just spoken of the many tribulations he had gone through, and the comfort he had received from God, now turns the subject back to the prayers of the believers in Corinth, and acknowledges how God has used those prayers.

2. He calls it "helping together in prayer for us" Isn't that a neat way to express it. Prayer is helping together. Helping in what?
Helping in the will and the work of God being accomplished. So, if you are praying, You are helping in God's work.

3. Prayer of course is talking to God, and it's effective when we pray according to God's will. He not only hears prayer, but He answers it, and does so in His own timing and in His own way.

4. Additionally, Paul says ( in the NLT ) "He will rescue us because you are helping by praying for us" Prayer and rescue being linked together.

5. One other thing about prayer, is that it results in thanksgiving by many. That is, when God hears our prayers and answers them, we wind up saying thank You to God. So, prayer helps in the work of God, prayer is used to rescue, and prayer results in thanks being given.

6. So, if you are praying about a particular thing, situation, event, challenge, project, person or whatever, please be encouraged.
Be persistent, and patient, be submitted to God's timing and His way, and His will in answering Your prayer, but, be sure of this, He is hearing You pray.

A prayer:

Father, there was a time when we never ever prayed. But, since we have come to know You we do talk to You. We would like to talk to You more, but we do talk to You. And, we also thank You that You hear us when we talk to You. Prayer is really simply talking to You in either requests, or praise, or thanksgiving. My prayer today, is for any and all who are praying that they will be encouraged by this devotional, and by the testimony of the apostle Paul here in 2nd Cor1:11. Lord, You are the prayer hearer, and the prayer answerer, and the one who winds up being thanked by those who have prayed. What would You have us to pray for today Lord? Put it on our hearts, and let's go for it.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia