Friday, December 16, 2011

Things we have in common with the apostle John and one another.

See Rev 1:9

1:9 I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

John, introduces himself here as "your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ" 

He is saying several things about himself to us. First of all, he is our brother and companion. While an apostle of the Lord, and while in this very special moment of revelation from God, there is a huge and appropriate attitude of humility, and of simple brotherhood if you will. He is just one of us, or just a simple, normal Christian. It's perhaps the next few things he says that are more dramatic and touching. 

Tribulation, kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. We do indeed share in these things with John, and he with us. They are common to all who are believers in Jesus Christ. 

First of all, tribulation, which means, affliction, trouble, anguish, persecution, burdened. It speaks of a pressing together, a pressing pressure. Being distressed, and in straits. 
That's what John was going through personally. And, he was identifying that that's what others go through as well. We are brothers and companions in tribulation if you will. 

Secondly, and this became a reality for us when we were saved, in fact, at the very moment of our being saved, we were brought into God's kingdom. There is only one other kingdom, and we were in that prior to salvation, we were by our natural birth in the kingdom of this world, and the kingdom of darkness. But, moved into God's kingdom by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. That's our spiritual location if you will, with Him, and under His care and leadership. 

Thirdly, the patience of Jesus Christ. 
Patience, or endurance, or the ability from God to hang in there. It's that enduring patient waiting. It's being stedfast, and speaks of the man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and loyalty to faith by even the greatest trials and sufferings. It's a sustaining perseverance. We share in this with John. 

Isn't it a blessing to know that God provides this for us, and produces this within us, He works this patience into our lives by faith in Him. He enables us to be patient. He causes us to to endure, to not go off course, but to just steady on with Him. 

Lastly, John tells us where he was, and why he was there. On the isle called Patmos, and it was for the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ. He was on a little island, alone and desolate as it were, but God had a purpose in him being there. It was for two things. The Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 

And so it is with God's people. We are where God has us, and perhaps it's also a lonely place, a place of seeming isolation, but, God is at work in His own purposes if we let Him. He wants to speak to us, through His Word, and He wants to use our lives as a testimony for His Son Jesus Christ. We become useful tools in the hands of God if we let Him have His way with us. 

God used John, and God will use us if we let Him. He wants to take our lives, and through His life giving Word, change us, and make our lives a bright testimony to others of the grace mercy and peace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. 

May it be so in each of our lives. 

Pastor Bob Grenier.
Calvary Chapel Visalia