When Paul began this letter to the Ephesian Church, ( as he did in most of his letters ) he greeted them with a prayer for God's blessings in their lives. And, here are two of them.
Ephesians 1:2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
What are these two blessings.....? Grace, means, God's unmerited, or undeserved favor in our lives.
Imagine that, God blesses those who do not deserve it
This is so contrary to the way we often think. We think in terms of rewards. If I do what I should, then I will be deserving of what I should get. Even from early childhood I used to hear that Santa Claus is looking for children who are nice, because if they are naughty, he will pass them over when he comes by your home. So, be good, and Santa will give you what you deserve.
Well, as I've grown up, and through my life, now 64 years old, I've certainly come to realize that I'm not deserving of blessings. In fact, If I were to get what I deserve, it would be judgment. For along with everyone else, I'm a sinner.
But, I've discovered that God has taken what I deserve and given it to Jesus Christ instead of me.
Jesus took what I deserve. He paid for my sins. And, thus God has been just, but, He also is so gracious. And, He can and does and wants to give me grace, or blessings in my life.
He gives grace to the undeserving. That's me, and no doubt you. But, thank You Lord for being so gracious.
Secondly, He gives us peace. This word also translated quietness, speaks of a state of tranquility. Of harmony, of concord, of safety, prosperity, etc. Isn't that beautiful?
Frankly, there are so many things in life, each day that seek to rob us of peace. Troubles, problems come our way without even looking for them.
But, here Paul is praying for the believers in Ephesus to have in their lives, this peace. God gives this blessing. He will give it to you. You can ask Him for it.
These things come from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ to those who are in Christ.
So, if you are a christian, you are in Christ. You are actually in His body, and positioned to receive these two things.
I'm praying for you and myself right now to experience these blessings from God this very day, in this very hour that you may be reading this devotional.
God loves you.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia