The apostle Peter sure did. Jesus told the apostles that they all would be made to stumble that night recorded for us in Mark 14:27. Peter's response was , "Even if all are made to stumble, yet I will not be" Mark 14:29
Jesus then told Peter he would wind up denying Him 3 times before morning came. Peter then responded with, "If I have to die with you, I will not deny You!"
The word stumble as it's used here means, to trip up and to offend. And, to desert one whom he ought to trust and obey.
Well, that's what happened to Peter, he stumbled.
But.........that's not the end of the story, and it's not the end of the story if you have in some way stumbled. Look what happened to Peter after his stumbling. ( It's a picture of grace, and of how the Lord helps His own who have stumbled, so take heart if you have stumbled, the Lord is not through with you yet.
Here is what Jesus did with the apostle Peter
Jesus continued to love Peter.
Jesus appeared to Peter after He rose from the dead.
Jesus breathed on Peter giving him the Holy Spirit
Jesus restored Peter to fellowship with Himself
Jesus filled Peter with the Holy Spirit
Jesus used Peter to preach the first message in the Book of Acts ( 3000 were saved )
Jesus continued to use Peter throughout the book of Acts.
Jesus used Peter to write two letters found in the New Testament today.
While we are not the apostle Peter, we are nonetheless treated in a very similar manner by the Lord Jesus ( when we stumble )
Jesus restores, Jesus forgives us, Jesus blesses, Jesus uses us, etc, etc, etc.
Lord, we want to say thank You for Your grace in our lives.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Senior Pastor
Calvary Chapel Visalia
P.S.....a few more applicational thoughts for those who have messed up ( sinned and stumbled )
1. Don't give up
2 Look up.
3. Receive God's forgiveness.
4. Believe God's promises. ( He can't lie )
5. Be patient, God's plans don't just happen overnight.
6. Thank God in advance, because He is faithful, He will pick you up and bless you.