Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Common Miracle - Do You Want to Smoke a Joint? Part 5

Below is an excerpt of Chapter 2 from "A Common Miracle" by Pastor Bob Grenier.
It was interesting that while in Vietnam, I had no interest in drugs or in smoking pot; but one day, I was in NYC for the day with a fellow line jockey from the airport. Someone pulled out a joint and said, “Hey, do you want to smoke a joint?” And I did, and did I ever like it! I wondered why I had not tried this years before. “This is the greatest feeling I’ve ever had,” I thought to myself, laughing and feeling great in the back seat of that Chevy Corvair, in the middle of New York City. This was great, I thought. And that began my use of drugs, from the weekend joint to everyday use later on.
Now, I can look back and see how temptation got the best of me. I wish Christ had been in my life, but He was not. He would have made the difference, as He does today in my life; but evil is something that destroys, and Satan is the master destroyer through temptation and sin. Sin is in each and every man, and Satan, who is the god of this world, loves nothing more than to help people sin more and more and more. He knows that it will ruin their lives, all the while thinking they are having a good time.
Well, that was me: having a good time. By the way, there’s something very interesting about sin. It’s pleasurable, but only for a season. Too bad it’s pleasurable: people wouldn’t sin as much as they do if it weren’t. It’s a lot of fun to sin; however, it’s only fun for awhile. I had not found that out yet, but I was going to find out soon. That’s common for people, isn’t it? To be going along, having a good time... only to be heading for disaster.
Looking back now, I can see where the Lord was being merciful to me. He kept me from dying in Vietnam, and at other times, as well. Perhaps God is doing that for you, right now, as you read this. Or perhaps you can also look back and say, “Hey, I have that in common with you, Bob. God has kept me, also.” I pray that He has, and I pray that He will. 

Coming tomorrow, Chapter 3 Part 1