The first 7 verses of Rev 2, are a letter sent by Jesus through John the apostle to the church at Ephesus.
This letter, like the other 6 found in Rev chapters 2-3, are each addressed to the angel, or messenger, or pastor of the church the letter is being written to.
Most of the letters are like this first one, where there is quite a lot of commendation, and then a word or two of correction and rebuke. The only two that did not receive correction were the Churches of Smyrna, and Philadelphia.
To Ephesus, the Lord again, ( as He did in the first chapter, ) says, that He is holding the seven stars, or the messengers in His right hand, and that He walks in the midst of the lampstands, or the church. So, He is there, in the church, in a very intimate and personal way.
He goes on to say, that He knows a number of things about the church ( of course, the Lord knows everything about all things, but here He just lists some things ) There are about 10 things that Jesus says here.
1. I know you works.
2. Your labor.
3. Your patience.
4. And, that you cannot bear those who are evil.
5. You have tested those who say they are apostles, and are not.
6. And you have found them liars.
7. You have persevered.
8. And have patience.
9. And have labored for My names sakes.
10. And have not become weary.
Then the Lord points out the one thing that He has against them, or the thing that He wants them to change. He also by the way, not only points what He has against them, but He shows them what to do about it, and then also gives them a warning.
"that you have left, or are leaving your fist love" The word left, means an intentional, not accidental act. Some 30 years earlier, Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, ( see chapter 1:15-16, had commended them for their love. But, here, 30 years later, Jesus is reproving them for leaving it.
At one time they had a great love for the Lord, but, now they were leaving that love. ( Although, they were continuing on in their various Christian activities and ministries. ) This is a sobering reality.
That as believers, we can leave that love for Christ, and all the while keep right on with our involvement in church and such.
The remedy is given by the Lord. It's a 3-fold remedy. The three "R's"
1. Remember therefore from where you have fallen.
2. Repent.
3. Repeat, or do your first works.
There is also a warning from Jesus given to the Ephesian church. "Or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from it's place-unless you repent.
So, this removal of them from their place as it were, but, it they repented, all would be well.
What does this mean? To have their lampstand removed from it's place? Perhaps, it means that their usefulness would cease. The Ephesian church would no longer be useful in the hands of the Lord.
One thing we can deduct from this warning that a healthy and useful church has at it's core, members, who are not only active in their Christian works and such, but are primarily and centrally, focused on loving the Lord. That all healthy ministry flows out of, and from that primary relationship. And, the Lord will not have it any other way. Love is what makes a church powerful.
There was one other word of commendation for this church, and it's found in 2:6,
"But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate"
So, they hated something, and it was the same thing Jesus hated. Interesting to hear Jesus say that He hates something.
What is it.? Well, there were followers of one, Nicolas. His name is mentioned in Act 6:5, according the to the early church fathers.
Here's what is believed to have been going on. A sect, or group arose, which advocated what is called "license" in matters of Christian conduct, which included among other things, "free love"
A kind of anything goes attitude in relationships with one another.
Additionally, it's believed that they were also misusing the roles and offices of leadership.
The word "Nicolaitans" means, conquering the people. So, there was then this group of people who were promoting a kind of religious, or clerical hierarchy. See also Rev 2:15
So, in Rev 2:6, the Lord simply states that they had this going on, and that He hated it.
Finally, at the end of this brief 7 verse letter to the Ephesian church, the Lord appeals to them and then gives them a promise.
The appeal........."He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. "
The promise......."To him who overcomes, I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God"
So, that marks the first of 7 letters given to the 7 churches that were in Asia.
According to Rev 1:19, these letters it seems, comprise what is called in the book of Rev, "the things that are" Or the church age.
If indeed, that is the correct way to look at the time line of the churches, then it means that starting in Rev 4, you have the things which are to come , or the things that will take place after the church age.
Thus, Rev 4-19, which comprise the majority of the book of Rev, would show us that what is called the great tribulation will take place at the end of the church age, or just after the church is removed from the earth. That removal has been called the rapture of the church.
See Rom 5:8, 1st Thess 4:13-18, and 1st Thess 5:8. These tell us what we as christians are delivered from, and will not be subjected to, and what we can expect by way of meeting the Lord etc.
Well, more to come tomorrow on the 2nd of the 7 churches in Revelation.
May God bless you.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia