Friday, December 30, 2011

As you go into the new year, some thoughts to consider, and apply

Paul was looking forward to the future, but making plans in the present. Here are a few simple thoughts and truths from Scripture, that I pray will be an encouragement to you. 

God had been at work in the past in Timothy's life, just has He has in yours. Those things in the past are a bridge into where Timothy was at the time of this writing, and the same would apply to each and every Christian. .  See 2nd Tim 1:6-18  Here's a quick recap of that section. ( Taking what was said and what was true of Timothy, and applying these Scriptural truths and principles to your own life )

1. Your spiritual giftedness may need to be stirred up.
2. God has not given you a spirit of fear.
3. But rather of power, love, and a sound mind.
5. Do not be ashamed of Christ's testimony.
6. Do not be ashamed of other Christians.
7. Share in the sufferings for the gospel's sake.
8. Sufferings are helped and endured by God's power.
9. God has saved you, and called you. 
10. Salvation is not based on your works.
11. Salvation is based on God's purpose and grace.
12. Salvation was given to us in Christ Jesus.
13. Salvation and Christ Jesus were before time began. 
14. Salvation has now been revealed to us. 
15. Salvation has appeared to us in Christ Jesus.
16. Salvation means, death is abolished.
17. Salvation brought life and immortality to light. 
18. Salvation is brought to light in the gospel of Christ. 

There were a few more things that Paul said to Timothy, that can be directly applied to our lives as well. 

1. God has an appointment for you in ministry.
2. God determines our appointments to and in ministry.
3. Ministry and suffering go together.
4. Not being ashamed and ministry go together also.
5. We know who we have believed in. 
6. We are persuaded He is able to keep us.
7. We can and ought to commit ourselves to Him.
8. He keeps those who know Him. 
9. Commitment now, is connected with the future day. 

Even more things to do from Paul to Timothy

1. Hold fast the pattern of sound Words.
2. Hold them fast in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus.
3. Keep by God's Spirit, what He has committed to you. 
4. Be merciful even to those who hate you. 

Now, onto the the future. Here are some really wonderful truths and blessings, and points of application from Scripture. 

1. Be made being strong in the grace in Jesus Christ.
    In other words, in light of who you are, and the gifts God has 
    given you, find your strength day by day in God's grace.
    That grace is found in Christ Jesus.

2. Commit the things you have heard to other faithful men.
    You have heard many things, i.e truths over your time in 
    Christ, and that's what you can pass on to others. 

3. Others can take the truths of Jesus Christ, and, can teach
    others as well. It's passing on what you know to others.

4. Endure the hardships like a good soldier would endure them.

5. No one who is engaged in warfare can get entangled with 
    the affairs of this life. In other words, stay focused on your

6. The Christian life is often described in military terms.

7. Be like an athlete. Or stick to the rules. Athletes must play 
    by the rules, or they cannot win the crown. 

8. Hard working farmers, also enjoy tasting and eating of their

Lastly, Paul encouraged Timothy to simply consider what he had been saying, and explained that the Lord would give him understanding in these things. Consideration of God's Truths are blessed by God, who gives the "considerer" understanding or insight. 

Remember Jesus Christ, from the seed of David, was raised from the dead, according to the gospel that Paul the apostle preached. 

Paul suffered because he was a preacher of the gospel. He was put in prison, but, he mentions that God's Word is never bound. 

Finally, Paul endured all that he did endure for the sake of the elect. He was dedicated to serving God's people. And, he was dedicated to serving the Lord, with others coming to faith as well. He was an evangelist. He was committed to evangelism. 

Well, I trust that the above thoughts from God's Word may be of some encouragement to you. And, may God truly bless His work in and through your life as we move into this New Year. 

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Revelation 1:17-20 Exposition and Application

After John heard the voice behind him, and then turned to see who it was, and having then seen the Lord as He is described there in verses 12-16, we now have John's reaction. He fell to the ground as if dead.

Of course he did not really die, but he did fall to the ground, as if he was dead. The sight of Jesus Christ in His glorious body and state, was so awesome that John could only fall to the ground. This same reaction is seen and found in some of the priests in the OT.

At this point, Jesus spoke again to John. This is the second time in this chapter that He did so.
The first time was in 1:11, but now, He speaks again. He first of all had identified Himself as the Eternal God, and instructed John to write in a book the things he was seeing, and then to send it to the seven churches that are in Asia.

But, now, Jesus speaks again to this aged apostle who was just prostrated before Him, and says something so familiar to anyone who has read the Bible. It's a phrase and statement that God often uses and says to His people. It is, "Do not be afraid" But, He also did something else, He laid His right hand upon John. Now, in the Bible, the right hand is considered to be a symbol of power, and it is an expression of not only power but of will and encouragement, affirmation, commission etc. It's very comforting and a real blessing.

There were a number of things the Lord said about Himself to John at this point.

1. I Am the First and the Last.
2. I Am He who lives and was dead.
3. And, behold I live forevermore.
4. Amen.
5. I have the keys of Hades and Death.

So, He was saying, I'm the eternal God. I'm the One who came to the earth, took on a body, died for your sins, and was buried, and then rose again.
I'm alive forevermore. I'll never die again. That phase of my ministry is accomplished and finished.
Amen or so be it. I'm affirming this eternal truth about Myself, and My mission to redeem man.
And, because of who I Am, I possess the ability to open the door and release men from death, and to also allow them to go into eternal judgment.

Finally in the next two verses, Jesus gives John further explanation about what to do. It's somewhat of a repetition to what He had said earlier in 1:11. Additionally, what's said to John at this point, covers the entire history of man from that time, till the end of man's rule upon this earth, extending into what is called the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth and beyond.

Jesus also gave explanation to some of what John had seen. This is so helpful for us. He explains the mystery as He calls it, of the seven stars and the seven golden lampstands.

The seven stars in the right hand of Jesus are the seven angels, or messengers, or pastor's of the seven churches that are listed in chapters 2-3. And represent the future pastors and leaders who would find themselves ministering in the church of Jesus Christ.

The seven lampstands are the seven churches.

So, what we know from this explanation is the intimate involvement of Jesus Christ with and in His church.

Some applicational thoughts.....

1. God often repeats Himself for our benefit.
2. We must need to have His Word repeated, or He would not do it.
3. Fear is one of the common emotions we have to deal with.
4. God's prescription for our fear is "do not be afraid"
5. The prescription is based on who He is in our lives.
6. Not being afraid is linked intimately with who He is.
7. One thing the Lord wants us to know is His eternal nature.
8. God very frequently tells us He is eternal.
9. Forevermore, is waiting for us.
10. Forevermore is actually waiting for everyone.
11. Forevermore with God is what He wants.
12. Forevermore without God is not what He desires.
13. Jesus received into a life, means forevermore with God.
14. The call to John was to write, or to serve.
15. God has a call upon each one of our lives also.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

God is more awesome then we know.
Bowed down before Him is an appropriate reaction to God.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Revelation Chapter 1:9-16 Exposition and Application

John said several things about himself. One, he was "your brother", and secondly, "and companion in tribulation, and thirdly, in the kingdom and patience of Jesus  Christ "

He is our brother or fellow family member in Christ, and our companion or partaker in tribulation, which means trouble, anguish, a pressing together, oppression, affliction, distress. He knew very personally what it was to have trouble in his life. But, he lived to write about it. God used him to share with us, this wonderful book of Revelation.

He also mentions, "in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ" The kingdom, is the domain if you will of God's personal and direct rule and blessing in the lives of His people. He is over all things, but He also has made open to any who will believe, entrance into His family and rule. It's His kingdom. It's described in various ways in the Bible, but here, John, says "patience"

Patience, means, steadfastness, enduring, patient continuance, patient waiting. It's the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings. It speaks of sustaining perseverance.

Companions in tribulation and patience. He knew what trouble and pressure were, and he also knew what it was to endure the pressure and the trouble. To patiently endure.

John heard the voice of God speak to him. And, the Lord went on to identify Himself to John, and was then instructed to write what he was seeing in this vision, and send it on to the seven churches who are mentioned in chapters 2-3. And, that's basically what the book of Revelation is about. It's about what the Lord showed John, as recorded in these chapters.

Not only did John hear God's voice speak to him, but he also saw Jesus standing as it were in the midst of "seven golden lampstands" These lampstands,  represent the seven churches. We know that, because Rev 1:20 tells us what the lampstands are.

The Lord is in His church. His church is the light of the world, because of Him. He is the light of the world, and He has made us the light of the world. And, He wants to shine through each and every one of the members of His church.

Jesus was then described in great detail by John. From head to feet, including His clothing. The clothing is similar to how the priests would be dressed in the Temple and in the Tabernacle of God.
Jesus is our high priest, and as such, He represents us to God, and represents God to us. That was the function of the priests. He still is that for us today. Our representative if you will.

His clothing also signifies Him as judge. So, He is both priest and judge.

He is also the holder of His pastors and leaders. He holds the seven stars that are in the midst of the lampstands. This is a point of great comfort to any and all who are in places of ministry in the church. Jesus holds you. He has you in His hand. What a great place to be.

John, also mentions the Word of God, saying the Word of God was like a sharp two edged sword. The power of God's Word. It's a sharp sword. Sharp on the two edges or sides. Not dull, but sharp. It's able to pierce even to the dividing of our soul and spirit. It can get to us, more deeply and at the most important levels possible in this life. God speaks to us as does no one else.

A few thoughts for reflection and application.

1. We are not the only ones who are blessed and troubled.
2. God has a large family.
3. Some of the family is already in heaven.
4. Some of the family are here on earth.
5. Our family is in the Kingdom of God.
6. Trouble and patience are two characteristics of our family.
7. Everyone has trouble, especially those who live for Christ.
8. Everyone can have patience, it's a blessing from God.
9. God's Word is given to us, for blessing.
10. God's Word in Revelation, teaches us the future of the world.
11. Jesus is not far away, He is in His people.
12. Jesus is with your pastor.
13. Pastor's can find comfort in knowing they are in Jesus's hand.
14. Jesus represents us to the Father.
15. Jesus will judge the world and all men outside of the kingdom one day.
16. What John saw, we will also see one day with our own eyes.

May the Lord bring you peace today, if you are a troubled soul. May He give you patience today also. He is with you, and He has a good hold on you. May you be blessed in your walk today.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Monday, December 26, 2011

Revelation Chapter 1:1-8 Exposition and Application

This book, is what the Father gave the Son to show His servants-things which must shortly come to pass. It's the Revelation of Jesus Christ, or the unveiling of Jesus Christ, i.e the revealing of Jesus Christ ( in the context of what lays ahead for this world )

That's the opening verse in chapter 1.
What's in the book has been given to Christ to show to His servants.
The things in Revelation, are said to be "things which must shortly take place"
This apparently does not mean "right away" in John's day. For they have not taken place, it's been about 2000 years in round numbers since the writing of this book.

What it does seem to mean, is that once these events start taking place, they will take place rapidly, in a rapid succession, and come to an end quickly, in a short period of time..

Blessing is promised to those who would read this book, and those who would keep the things that are written in it. So, there is this beatitude if you will of blessing, for the readers and the keepers of this book.

We know what reading means, but, what does it mean to "keep the things which are written in it"?
The idea could well be, "those who keep themselves true to the things which are written, ( heeding them and laying them to heart ) Or being a doer if you will. This is the normal teaching and concept you find all through Scripture. God speaks to us, and teaches us, He instructs us, He enlightens our minds to the truth, and then calls us to follow Him, abide in His Word, stay in His will, respond in obedience to Him, order our lives according to His Word. There is always blessing in that.

The seven churches that are mentioned, were actual churches that existed at the time of this book being written. There is a message to each church. A distinct message. And, many Bible commentators believe that the 7 churches also represent 7 periods of church history. Starting with the first century church, leading right up to the last days church. Thus when you look through these 7 letters, one can see different situations that the church has faced and gone through down through the history of these last 2000 years.

Additionally, the message to each church, and the circumstances that are described in each church, can also very easily, be applied to the experiences of individual christians in their walk with the Lord.
In other words, if you take for example the first message in chapter 2, to the church of Ephesus, one can see how a christian can also be in the position of losing their first love, just like the church was. So, more about these matters in the next two chapters in the days to come.

Jesus is described or revealed, or unveiled for us in the next few verses, 1:4-8 in tremendous detail.

1. He along with the Father and Holy Spirit give grace, and peace to His servants.
2. He is the faithful witness.
3. He is the firstborn from the dead.
4. He is the ruler over the kings of the earth.
5. He is the one who "loved us" and does love us today, at this moment.
6. He has washed us from our sins in His own blood.
7. He has made us kings and priests to His God and Father.
8. He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him.
9. He will be mourned by all the tribes of the earth.
10. He is the Alpha and Omega.
11. He is the Beginning and the End.
12. He is the one who "Was and who is to come"
13. He is the Almighty.

A few applicational thoughts to consider.

God has His servants in mind. He wants them to know what His plans are for them, and for this world.

God has given us this look into the future, through His Word. He sent it, He signified it by His angel to His servant John. Angel here could refer to an angel, or to Christ Himself. Either way, the point is, that God has communicated with us in this book.

As with most any part of the Bible, it has two parts to it. The first part is our receiving it , or hearing it, or reading it, understanding it. Part two, is our response to what we have just received, understood, etc. The two go together, and bring about blessing in our lives.

We are needy people. And the messages in the 7 letters are so fitting at various times in our lives. God knows what our needs and situations are, and these letters are so helpful.

Jesus is greater then we know. Even though you can count 13 things said about Him, that cannot be said about anyone else. But, these things are just a fraction of what He is. In fact, there is really no way to measure or describe God in some true final form. He is greater then all of our words and understanding.

One last but, supremely great truth, is that Jesus is coming again. We may be alive to see Him return to the earth. It could very well happen to us. That we are taken up to be with Him. We do know for certain, that we will be with Him in heaven, and we will return back with Him when He comes to rule on the earth.

Well, blessings to you, and look forward in the next few months to going through this book with you section by section, and chapter by chapter.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What Joseph went through just before Christ was born.

Joseph and Mary were what is called "Betrothed" Like an engagement in today's culture, but a little more final. It was the first main and significant step towards marriage.
The betrothed couple were for all intents and purposed married, but they kept themselves from having marital relations, ( until they were fully married ) So, they had not come together as the text says in Matt 1:18.

Joseph would have been excited and happy about his betrothed wife Mary, waiting for the final stage of their engagement to take place.

At some point, it became clear to Joseph that his future wife was pregnant. We do not know how he found out. But he did. It's apparent from the text also, that no mention was made of how she became pregnant, or who was the man etc. He just knew that she was pregnant.

Under Jewish law, Mary could have been stoned to death for this pregnancy. Joseph had every right to put her away, divorce her, and also make her a public example.

Imagine what others may have thought seeing her carrying the baby in her womb. Clear to all, this woman is pregnant, but not yet fully married.

But, Joseph did not want to make her a public example, and so, he was going to put her away secretly. We don't know the details of his plan, but he did have one

It would have meant that his plans for a marriage to young Mary were dashed, and gone. How sad and disappointing this must have been, along with the shame of it all.

But, he was a just man. He was a righteous man. He was upright, he tried to act in accordance with what he knew to be the will of God for his life. That's who he was. Mary was very fortunate in that sense, to have such a man in her life.

I do wonder if he asked her, who the father was, and if she told him, "it was an angel from heaven"
What would his reaction have been?

But, here was this man, facing now a serious disruption in his plans, a just man, and he was thinking about all of this, dealing with it, pondering it, and trying to figure out what he was going to do about it all.

He went to sleep, and he had a dream, and in the dream, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, and told him a number of things.

1. Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.
2. For the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
3. She is going to have a son.
4. You are to call Him Jesus.
5. He will save His people from their sins.

I would imagine that if Mary had told him how she had become pregnant, that the dream would have been a confirmation of her story. If she had not told him, it would have begun to explain to him what had happened.

Matthew explains that all this ( what was just mentioned above ) was done to accomplish and fulfill the prophecies given by Isaiah. See Isa 7:14. His name was also "Immanuel" meaning, God with us.

Wow what a dream this must have been for Joseph. He went from being made aware of her pregnancy which in his mind had brought he and Mary's relationship to an end, to being made aware that God was at work bringing the Savior into this world.

So, in the midst of a very, very difficult situation to say the least, God spoke to Joseph and led him into the will of God in this matter.
Joseph had the distinct blessing of being the step father of Jesus Christ if you will.
What a blessing it must have been for him, having Jesus as a son.
God blessed Joseph through Christ.

God will bless you through Christ as well.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Friday, December 23, 2011

Don't give up. God has not. He can and will work with you and through you.

The Bible is truly about Jesus Christ. His own family history and lineage is given to us in chapter 1 of Matthew's Gospel.
He came through the line of King David, going all the way back to Abraham.
Then from Abraham moving forward in time, the people in Jesus's earthly family line are listed.
This listing goes on for about 16 or so verses.
It ends with Joseph who was the husband of Mary.
Jesus came from Mary, but not by the normal natural means.
No, she was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.
After Jesus's birth, Joseph and Mary had other children, who were in essence the half siblings of jesus.

A couple of quick thoughts at this point.

God used imperfect people to bring about the line of Jesus's family leading up to Joseph.
Abraham, while the father of our faith, had some of his own personal issues and problems.
He lied two different times, and the result was that it endangered his wife Sarah's well being.
But, the Lord got it worked out, and God's plan moved forward.

Tamar who is mentioned in verse 3, was at one time, be it for a short time, a prostitute. Her profession is not being affirmed as good, but simply stated that she was. And, that she was part of the line that led up to Jesus Christ.

King David, while a man after God's heart, had an extra marital affair, and actually murdered the husband of the woman involved, her name was Bathsheba. Thus, another spiritual and moral blip in this line of family members.

Manasseh, was one of the worst kings ever. Yet, he was also in the family line.
Perhaps a lesson through him, is that even at the worst and darkest of times, God is still at work, carrying out His plans and purposes.

There are others in this list as well. And, then if you were look at the list given in another gospel that traces Mary's line, you would find the same thing.

Point...........No one is perfect, except God.
Man's imperfections are indeed something man is responsible.
God is not encouraging us to live that way.
Yet, God is not bound by our sins, and our mistakes etc.
He is going to carry out His plan, by His own power and wisdom.
So, in the darkest of times, take comfort and courage, because God is still at work.

A few more thoughts from the rest of the chapter.

The birth of Christ was indeed a miracle itself. She became pregnant through a working of the Holy Spirit in her womb. Unexplainable, to our minds, yet, nothing hard for God. God creates, and He created in Mary a child.

Things could have gone very wrong right from the time that Joseph realized she was pregnant.
But, God worked this problem out also. Directing Joseph as recorded for us in the chapter.
Not to be overlooked, Joseph was a person of great and Godly character.
And on a practical level, God sent an angel to direct Joseph at a very critical moment in this entire story.

The tail end of the angels message tells us the main truth of the Bible and the main truth about Jesus Christ, and why He was born into this world of ours. "He will save His people from their sins"

Saved from sins, is something needed, lest a person leaves this world without God's forgiveness in their lives. So, no mistaking here. This is the primary thing. This is why Jesus came. It was to save, to rescue man. To change the eternal course of man's future and of his present life while here on earth.

The mission of Christ, was not an afterthought by God. It had been planned out as mentioned in the book of Isaiah and other places in the OT.

Another aspect of Christ's birth that so wonderful, is that His name is also Immanuel, which means that God is with us. He is in fact, with every person who has opened their heart to Him for forgiveness of sins.

Last little thought. Joseph "did as the angel of the Lord commanded him etc, "
He is an example to all of us, to follow the direction of the Lord in our lives, especially during critical times. Crisis, often become stepping stones in the future plan of God for our lives. It was so with Joseph for the next 3 decades or so .

Many blessings to you this Christmas season

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Thursday, December 22, 2011

God tells us the future, and speaks of the present. Rev 1:19-20

See Rev 1:19-20

When the Lord told John to "write the things which you have etc, " He is referencing that John wound up putting into what we call the book of Revelation.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of God, is that God has the ability to tell us the future with precise accurate detail each and every time. The book of Revelation for the most part is just that, it's a preview into the future, very extensive, very detailed, and incredible to read and understand.

This is God's Word to us about the future.

Additionally, the book of Revelation includes two other things. One of those being the vision the Lord gave to John of Himself the Lord. That is what we have been looking at in the earlier verses in this chapter.

Secondly, we have in Revelation "the things which are" which is no doubt referencing the state of the church, that is, at the time of John's life, and is also a picture I believe of the state or condition the individual christian can find themselves in, and is no doubt as many believe also a picture of the church down through the ages, from John's time, right up till the coming of Jesus, or the church of the last days.

Thirdly, as mentioned earlier, "the things which will take place after this" That is, the events that will unfold at the end of the things which are, or after the church age, or at the end of the church age. This is the major part of the book of Revelation.

On a completely different note, the Lord Himself explains to John and us as to the "mystery of the seven stars" John had seen them in the right hand of Jesus, and then there were the seven goldend lampstands:

They are as follows. The seven stars are the angels, or the messengers, or the pastors of the seven churches. It's very comforting to know the place of these pastors. They are in His hand.

Not only as children of God are they in His hand, but as leaders they are also. The hand is what is used in life to help, to guide, to support, to give strength, to affirm, to comfort, etc, etc.

And, the last thing that is explained, are the seven lampstands, which are the "seven churches"
So, the Lord is in the midst of His church, with His hand upon the pastor's.

How the Lord loves His church. It's not a sideline or background, or secondary matter of importance to Him.

It's His bride, and it's His own body. It's why He came to the cross, to call people out into His kingdom.

The church is loved by Jesus Christ, and is what He alone can truly build up to and increase it.

So, this first chapter in Revelation helps set the stage and outline in many ways for the rest of the book.

We are promised a blessing for just reading it.

May God richly bless you.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What happened when John saw Jesus in Revelation.

Rev 1:17-18

John tells us what happened to him when he saw Jesus.

First of all, John did see Him in this vision given to him by God.

Secondly, John fell down as dead. He was so impacted by what he saw, it was like it took the life out of him, and he lay at the feet of Jesus like a dead person.

Thirdly, at this point, Jesus took and laid His right hand upon John, and spoke to him in the following way.  "Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

It is interesting and encouraging to me, to hear these words, "Do not be afraid" It seems that this is one of God's most commonly made statements to His people, through both the Old and the New testaments. And, it would seem that the reason for his repeated statement by God, is that His people were afraid. They were in some situation that brought fear into their lives. Fear can render a person paralyzed as it were. It can make them unable to move about in life as they ought to and would like to.

And, it's also interesting to see the reason behind this statement by the Lord to John. It was Christ's own declaration of who He is, and who He was, and who He will be. It's what He is. He is God, and as God He is eternal. He was here long before any situation that has come about and is upon someone. And, He will be here long after that situation is a thing of the forgotten past.

He is God. I am alive He says to John, and to you and me. I'm eternal, I'm here, I'm the giver of life. In fact, beyond those truths, here is something else. I am the Lord of Lords I hold the keys of Hades and of Death. Hades is a place of punishment for those who choose to reject God's love and grace.
And, death, is that reality of separation from God. It's the separation that Christ came to remove.

He is the bridge between sinful man, and Holy God. He is the door, He is the way, He is the truth, He is the life. No man can come to the Father but by and through Him

Anyone can receive Him, and if they do, He will make them a child of God.

Well, more tomorrow.
May God's blessings be upon you today

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How Jesus looked........and looks today

See Revelation, 1:14-16

His head, hair and eyes are described here. First of all, it's important to realize that what John was seeing was indeed, the actual person of Jesus Christ, in His current state. This is what He will look like when we see Him. This is how He looks at this moment, seated at the right hand of God.

Three things here. Head, hair and eyes. Both His head and hair are said to be "white like wool" Speaking of, or reminding us of His spotlessness, and His purity. He is the pure, righteous one, in whom there is no sin. His eyes were like " a flame of fire" This speaks of power. Fire gives light, and is powerful. Jesus is the light of the world of course, and is the most powerful person we know. He is pure, and He is powerful.

Now, to His feet. "like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace" Brass is commonly seen throughout the Bible, and is often associated with the judgment of God. God has judged our sins at the cross, and they are now gone and forgotten. Jesus will bring judgement when He comes again.
The pure, powerful, judge is the Lord Jesus Christ.

His "voice as the sound of many waters" John was trying to describe what His voice sounded like.
We will one day hear for ourselves, but here it's said to be like "Many waters" Or a massive and powerful roar. That's what we hear when we are near the ocean, and the waves are coming upon the shore. There is a tremendous and powerful sound. A roaring.

Here's what He had in His right hand. Seven Stars. The stars here in this section of Rev, seem to speak of the leaders in the churches. And, here we see that they are being held by Jesus Christ. What a comforting and encouraging thought to know that they are in His hands. If you are a leader in the church ( in fact, every christian can say this about themselves ) they are in the hands of Jesus Christ. He has a firm grip on you.

Out of His mouth "went a sharp two-edged sword" This again is John's description of seeing and hearing Jesus talk. Swords are used both defensively, and offensively. Jesus is the Word of God. He is our defender, and He is our victor in battle over the enemy of our soul. His Word cuts and pierces to the depths of our being. His Word is creative, it's powerful to destroy. We have heard His voice in the Holy Bible, and we will one day hear it with our own ears right in His visible presence. We will hear Him speak to us personally, and throughout all of eternity. For all we know, we may have what would be very private and personal conversations with Him, where we become very familiar with the sound of His voice.

The last thing in this verse, "His countenance was like sun shining in it's strength" Very massive, and encompassing is what the sun is like. You walk outside, and the sun is so powerful you can't even look directly at it, and in a sense you don't have to, to be affected by it. It light's up the world, at least the half that is in the daylight time. Countenance, is a word in the Bible speaks of the  face, or the outward appearance, the look. So, this is what the look of Jesus will be like, or when we look at Him, it will be bright like the sun.

There are numerous things that have already been said about Him, and will be said throughout this letter. These are but glimpses of what He looks like. John was affected by what He saw, as we will see in our study tomorrow. We are affected by seeing Him through the eyes of faith.
Seeing Him, leads to the transformation of our lives.

As we read the Bible, we see God revealed to us. The book of Revelation, is just that, an unveiling, a revealing of Jesus Christ. He is pure, powerful, piercing and is the Lord of Lord's. He is coming back to the earth, bringing judgement upon it, and then will rule on it for 1000 years, before taking us into the eternal future with Him.

May God's grace, mercy, peace and love be multiplied in our lives this very day.
In Jesus name, amen.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Monday, December 19, 2011

Rev 1:10-13......Hearing God's voice and finding His help.

See Revelation 1:10-13......the scriptures are down at the very bottom of this page.

The Lord's day in the NT is a Sunday. So, it was on a Sunday, and John heard what seemed like a loud trumpet behind him, only it was a voice.

And, the voice said, " I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last" Here the Lord is identifying Himself as being God, the eternal one, the start and the finish if you will. The Greek alphabet starts with Alpha and ends with Omega.

The Lord went on to tell John, what you see, ( and of course, John was being given this vision, ) write it in a book, and then send it to the seven churches which are located in what would be modern day Turkey.

So, what we have written down for us in this book known as "The Book of Revelation" is a record in great detail of what John was given to see by God.

It was at this moment that John turned to see the voice that was speaking with him. Thus what had happened was just like when someone comes up behind you and starts talking, and you hear them, and you then turn around to see the person who is talking to you, That's what John did, and what we have next, is what John saw.

By the way, sometimes God speaks to us in a very direct, focused, distinct manner also. And, we hear Him, and we can turn to Him as it were, and we can see Him ( by faith ) and we can focus our lives upon Him, and seek to understand Him etc, etc. He is speaking, and wants to speak to us today, and every day, and He wants us to know Him.

I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of them was "One like the Son of Man "
The lampstand was used in the OT to symbolize the nation of Israel's function of being a light. Lamps give light, and the lampstands ( 7 of the ) represent the 7 churches mentioned, and the 7 churches represented are also believed to represent the complete period of the churches history, from start to finish. So, Christ is in His church.

The Son of Man, Jesus Christ was clothed with a garment down to His feet. He was completely clothed if you will. And, We are completely clothed with His righteous also. What He is, we are. He is holy, and so are we. He is God Son, and we are also God's children, He is accepted by God and so are we, etc, etc.

He also had a golden band that He was girded with. This band was around His chest. What could this possibly mean, or symbolize? Gold is a favorite color of the Lord. He used it in the OT creation of the Tabernacle, and the Temple. It's used as pavement in heaven for the main street that runs through heaven. But, here it is upon or around the chest of Jesus. Girding in the NT was used to help make movement easier. One would gird or pull up their robe and tuck it in under the belt and thus be more able to move and to walk to work and to run, to fight etc. So, it was function you might say.

It's possible that this might speak of the function and help that God has for each of us. He wants to gird us up day by day, to help us in whatever we do. He has and does provide all the heavenly resources we need in order to function in His will for us.

One other thing about this robe. It reminds of the priests and the judges in the OT among God's people. Jesus is of course the High Priest of our faith, and He is the Judge into whose hands all judgment has been committed.

A few other devotional/applicational thoughts.

1. The Lord's day is a great day to hear God's Voice.
2. We gather to worship in song, to fellowship, and to hear His Word.
3. He wants us to see Him, and hear Him.
4. Strength is given to us by God's Holy Spirit.
5. He has work for us to do.
6. We are running in a race to heaven if you will.
7. God's strength and power make it easier to walk, work, run, and battle.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet,

1:11 saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.”

1:12 Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands,

1:13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gleanings from Jude.......

Here are some short little thoughts by way of explanation and application taken from the epistle of Jude.

Families can serve the Lord together. Jude was the half brother of Jesus, and full brother of James, who led the church in Jerusalem. Let's pray that this year, families would come together serving the Lord.

God never forgets His mercy, peace and love towards us. We have them from Him, and can have them day by day till we get to heaven

Being led by God is His will. Jude was intending to write about one important subject, but was compelled to write about something else. While Jude did not specify that the Lord was leading him to write about what he did, I believe it's there in the background. The Holy Spirit was leading Jude, and he was responding. May it be so Lord in our lives as well.

There is a real demonic enemy who creeps into the church from time to time. These enemies are in league with Satan himself, and they seek to pervert and destroy the work of God in the lives of christians. They take God's precious truth and twist it around to suit their own fleshly and ungodly desires and ways. O Lord, protect us from them.

Being reminded of what we know already is a common way for the Lord to encourage us. It's what Jude was doing here. His readers were well steeped in the truth of the OT stories, ( They aren't just stories of course, but records of God's dealings with Israel and others ) But, they knew these accounts, and were able to see the truths of these accounts applied in their situation currently. Lord, may we this coming year, grow in our knowledge of Your Word and be encouraged and built up in our faith.

God has and will judge the ungodly. We have a record of it right here in Jude. The Lord is the saviour at this time, but will be the judge in the days ahead when He returns to the earth. Oh Lord, save now we pray, and rescue the lost in our midst from the coming Judgement.

God explains in great and specific detail who these creepers into the church were, and what they were up to, and how they operated.
Try to count if you will the number of specifics that are given to us here about them. This is what is called ungodliness

Once again the memory is called to action. Simply, "remember the words spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ" That's a reference to what we have by way of the NT today.
The NT is filled with Bible Prophecy about what was happening with these "creepers"

And, the NT is filled with encouragements about God's beloved as well. See if you can count up the many blessed exhortations and promises in the remaining verses in this letter, there are many of them.

Here's a sample......

1. You can be built up and made strong
2. You are beloved by God.
3. You have holy faith.
4. God will use and hear your prayers.
5. God loves you.
6. God's love is where He wants you to keep yourself. In His love
7. God has mercy.
8. God wants you to give you His mercy, and to look for it.
9. You now have eternal life ( union with God through Christ )
10. Be compassionate to the lost.
11. You are no longer headed to the lake of fire as are many today
12. God is able to keep and preserve you.
13. Jesus will present you one day to the Father.
14. May God receive all the glory in our lives.

There's actually more in those verses, but the sample above, was just that a sample. It's a rich section of Jude.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Friday, December 16, 2011

Things we have in common with the apostle John and one another.

See Rev 1:9

1:9 I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

John, introduces himself here as "your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ" 

He is saying several things about himself to us. First of all, he is our brother and companion. While an apostle of the Lord, and while in this very special moment of revelation from God, there is a huge and appropriate attitude of humility, and of simple brotherhood if you will. He is just one of us, or just a simple, normal Christian. It's perhaps the next few things he says that are more dramatic and touching. 

Tribulation, kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. We do indeed share in these things with John, and he with us. They are common to all who are believers in Jesus Christ. 

First of all, tribulation, which means, affliction, trouble, anguish, persecution, burdened. It speaks of a pressing together, a pressing pressure. Being distressed, and in straits. 
That's what John was going through personally. And, he was identifying that that's what others go through as well. We are brothers and companions in tribulation if you will. 

Secondly, and this became a reality for us when we were saved, in fact, at the very moment of our being saved, we were brought into God's kingdom. There is only one other kingdom, and we were in that prior to salvation, we were by our natural birth in the kingdom of this world, and the kingdom of darkness. But, moved into God's kingdom by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. That's our spiritual location if you will, with Him, and under His care and leadership. 

Thirdly, the patience of Jesus Christ. 
Patience, or endurance, or the ability from God to hang in there. It's that enduring patient waiting. It's being stedfast, and speaks of the man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and loyalty to faith by even the greatest trials and sufferings. It's a sustaining perseverance. We share in this with John. 

Isn't it a blessing to know that God provides this for us, and produces this within us, He works this patience into our lives by faith in Him. He enables us to be patient. He causes us to to endure, to not go off course, but to just steady on with Him. 

Lastly, John tells us where he was, and why he was there. On the isle called Patmos, and it was for the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ. He was on a little island, alone and desolate as it were, but God had a purpose in him being there. It was for two things. The Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 

And so it is with God's people. We are where God has us, and perhaps it's also a lonely place, a place of seeming isolation, but, God is at work in His own purposes if we let Him. He wants to speak to us, through His Word, and He wants to use our lives as a testimony for His Son Jesus Christ. We become useful tools in the hands of God if we let Him have His way with us. 

God used John, and God will use us if we let Him. He wants to take our lives, and through His life giving Word, change us, and make our lives a bright testimony to others of the grace mercy and peace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. 

May it be so in each of our lives. 

Pastor Bob Grenier.
Calvary Chapel Visalia 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

God's grace, and our future with Him.

See Revelation 1:4-8 directly below, and my comments following.

1:4 John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne,

1:5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,

1:6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

1:7 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.

1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

John was writing to the seven churches in Asia. These actual churches, located in modern Turkey, but have application to us today, ( which we will look at as we move through Revelation chapters 2-3 ) 

But, the message to the churches, starts off with "Grace to you and peace from Him etc," This is the lens through which God looks if you will. It's His grace, His unmerited favor, His blessing upon those who do not deserve it, but through Christ, God gives His blessings.

God's eternal nature is also described for us, He is, He was, and He is to come. Past, present and future. More to be said in just a verse or two.

Jesus Christ is said to be the faithful witness. Or the reliable witness, dependable. You can count on Him, in every way to be just who He says He is, and that He does just what He says He will do. And, He is the "firstborn from the dead" He is the primary example of what God does in the life of every person who puts their faith in Him. We go from death to life, and our own bodies will one day be raised from the dead, just as His was and is today. 

Christ is also the "true ruler over the kings of the earth" That is, in direct contradiction to the coming anti-christ, world ruler, who is demonically empowered, and is a deceiver, and is against God and against Christ, Jesus is indeed the true ruler over all etc.
He is even today, guiding the world just as He intends to. He is even today, working all things according to the purpose of His own will. 

About His love.......... To Him who "loved us" which of course He has, and has "washed us from our sins by His own blood" His love was shown to us at the cross. Only His blood could wash, that is to remove completely our sins from us. They are gone, and not remembered by God. 

Our future, is that we are made "kings and priests to His God etc" God has a glorious future in store for us, and we will see more of this later in Revelation. 

To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. He is the worthy one, and He is the ruler over all, now, and in the eternal future. Forever, and ever. It could not be said any plainer, or in language we can understand. Forever means, an unbroken age, perpetuity of time, evermore. This is our future with God. It's forever, and ever. 

He is coming. That's the message of 1:7. The clouds may very well be referencing the fact of His bringing a great cloud of witnesses ( or His saved bride ) with Him when He comes back to the earth. Also, His coming again to the earth will be seen by everyone. How this could happen given the globe we live on, is something that only God could make happen, but He will.

Back to God's self-description. "I am the Alpha and the Omega" These are the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet. God's usage of them in describing Himself is very appropriate. Because He is the first and the last. He is un-created, and existed before anything and anyone did. 

"Who is to come" This is really the message of Revelation. For this book explains the events that lead up to His return to the earth, and even beyond that return, into the eternal future. 

Additional thoughts. 

1. God has grace and peace for you today.
2. Let's ask Him right now for them in abundance.
3. God has cleansed you from your sins. 
4. Your sins are gone because of Him. 
5. We have an eternal hope in Christ.
6. This world will one day pass away.
7. We will rule with Christ on this earth.
8. His kingdom will come. 
9. His will, will be one on earth, like in heaven.
10. He is the almigthy. He is able. 

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Revelation Chapter 1:1-3 God promises to bless you .

 See Rev 1:1-3 below........and, then my comments below the verses. 

1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants--things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John,

1:2 who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw.

1:3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.

Revelation, means unveiling. Like taking a sheet off that has been covering a statue, and pulling the sheet off to show what is there. This book is an uncovering of Jesus Christ. 

This uncovering if for His servants. This is for you as a Christian. God wants to show this to you.

The things He shows us in this book are the things which will take place as the future rolls on. So, God is going to reveal to us in this book what will happen in the future, right on up to the end of all things as we know it, and beyond. 

God gave this to Jesus to give to John, through His angel. It's a revealing to John, and then to us. 

There is a blessing promised here. See 1:3. The blessing is for those who will read this book, and for those who will hear what's said in this book, and for those who will keep the things that are written in it. The time for these things is near, or coming. ( The phrase, "the time is near" does not mean that these events were going to happen immediately upon their writing, but rather when they begin to happen, they would happen in pretty rapid order ) 

What an exciting time we are living in. This book will help unfold to us the plans that God has for the world. We are living in the last days. 

May I encourage you to read through the book of Revelation. And to enjoy these daily short little devotional commentary thoughts I'll post. 

We will be teaching through the book one chapter per Sunday, starting on Jan 8th. 

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Saturday, December 10, 2011

God's encouragement to His beloved

See Jude 1:20-25 Directly below with my comments following.

1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

1:21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

1:22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction;

1:23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.

1:24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,

1:25 To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen.

First of all, and in  contrast to the those not having the Spirit, God says to His beloved, those who do have the Spirit, those who are His own children, He says, "beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit" 

This is God's encouragement, this is what God says to us, this is what His will and way are for us, and that is to be built up, or to be made strong in our faith. In fact, the building up comes both through our faith ( which the ungodly who crept in were trying to change and twist, and replace ) and, it comes through praying in the Holy Spirit. So, these 2 things, our faith and prayer, they will help to make us strong.

Secondly, we are to keep ourselves in the love of God. God's children can keep, or stay in a place, or have a mind towards, or exercise their faith, that is to believe God, to keep their eyes on Jesus Christ, and rejoice in the fact of God's love for them. They are as mentioned above, "beloved" So, God wants His children to never forget He loves them. 

Thirdly, "looking for eternal life" That is, our hope. We are at this time in Christ, we have eternal life, but, when Jesus comes for us, or we go to be with Him, we will then enter into the next life, that life of being with Him forever, and forever. Keep your hope is another way of looking at the meaning of this phrase. 

Fourthly. On some have compassion, etc. This is God's outreach through our lives. To have compassion towards. To show mercy, be kind etc, etc. Pulling them out of the fire. The rescue operation of being used by God to bring them to salvation. God uses His people to see others come to Christ. 

Lastly, this beautiful benediction. Focusing on the Lord Himself of course. Here's what's said about Him. 

1. He is able to keep you from stumbling.
2. And to present you faultless before God.
3. This presentation will be done with joy and glory.
4. God deserves all praise and honor. 

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Friday, December 9, 2011

God's way of blessing. To remember, His Word.

See Jude 17-19, directly below, followed then by my comments on these verses.  

1:17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ:

1:18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. 

1:19 These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

In contrast to the wicked, who are the enemies of God, Jude now turns to God's people, and God's way of blessing His people. 

He begins with the familiar term "Beloved" Meaning, you are very dear and precious to God. So, here's what He has to say to His beloved. Remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

To remember, comes from a word meaning to fix in one's mind, or have a mental grasp of. And, to recall to your mind, to return to one's mind, or to be mindful of a thing. And the thing to recall to mind, is in this case the words, or the teaching of the apostles. They were the one's called and sent by Jesus, and upon whom along with Christ, the church is built. He of course is the foundation, but He used these men to be part of it. Thus, their teaching is in a unique class, as compared with anyone since. 

So, to God's beloved, He says, "remember what I've told you" And, what they had said, was that there would be "mockers in the last time etc, " There would be those who mock, and by implication, false teachers. 
They are said to walk, or to live, and conduct themselves according to their own ungodly lusts. They are living according to the flesh, rather then the Spirit of God. They have desires which are ungodly, and they live in those lusts or cravings.

By the way, Jude mentions "the last time" as do so many of the authors in the Bible. The last time is that period of time which started when Jesus first came to the earth, until He returns to it. And, it also means, the last period of time, of man's own governance of this world, prior to the return of Christ, where He will establish His kingdom in this world. It will be the answer to, and the fulfillment of the prayer, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven"

Going on, Jude explains that these false teachers in three ways. See 1:19

1. These are sensual persons
2. Who cause divisions
3. Not having the Spirit. 

So, these three things describe them. They are sensual, means, they are natural men, as compared to spiritual. That is, they are not born again persons. They are not christians. They are in subjection to the sensuous nature, with it's appetites and passions. 

They cause divisions. They come into the church under the cloak and guise of being Godly, but by the time they leave, there is a division behind them. As compared with the genuine God loving, and christian loving people who come into the church, very genuinely, and sincerely, and they wind up building up the church, uniting her members, by loving and serving, and blessing, and sharing, etc, etc. 

They, ( these false teachers ) do not have the Spirit. They do not have the Holy Spirit dwelling, or living, or abiding within themselves. They are without God. He is not in them. They are not with Him. 

In closing, the christian of course is exactly opposite of these false teachers.

They are in subjection to the Holy Spirit, they walk according to the Spirit.
They unite the body of Christ. They help to build it up.
They have the Holy Spirit within them.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

Thursday, December 8, 2011

God's Judgement on His enemies

See Jude 12-16, and my comments below the verses.

1:12 These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots;

1:13  raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

1:14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints,

1:15 “to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

1:16 These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage.

Jude, continues his description ( it's really God's description and Word through Jude ) of these men who were creeping into the church to defile it. He has many things to say about them. 

1. These are spots in your love feasts. 
2. While they feast with you without fear.
3. Serving only themselves.
4. They are clouds without water.
5. Carried about by the winds.
6. Late autumn trees without fruit.
7. Twice dead.
8. Pulled up by the roots. 
9. Raging waves of the sea.
10. Foaming up their own shame.
11. Wandering stars. 
12. For whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

What a description. 

They participate with the church, but are spots, meaning, they are men who by their conduct damage others morally, and wreck them as it were. 

They feast without fear. They have no true fear of God in them. 

Serving only themselves. They are the primary focus of all their activities. It's themselves. Not the Lord, nor others. But themselves. 

They are clouds without water. They are a fabrication of the truth. They may look as if they have something to offer, but in fact, they do not. They are empty of the truth. 

Carried about by winds. They are driven by the winds of false doctrine. Rather then by the wind like ministry of the Holy Spirit. They are not guided by truth at all, only by error.

Late autumn trees without fruit. Again, an appearance, but no real truth. There is no fruit, there is no love, no love of God in them and through them. 

Twice dead. Dead in sins as anyone else. But then dead once again in their determination to oppose the truth. They are separated from God by their sins.

Pulled up by the roots. They had no fruit to begin with, but are like a tree pulled out of the ground. It essentially will not live at this point, and it will not bear fruit. That's these men. 

Raging waves of the sea. A horrible storm is created by these men. It's treacherous and dangerous to any who travel their waters. 

Foaming out their own shame. Just as the sea water, of itself produces a foam, that comes from within, so, these men produce a shamefulness that comes out of them. 

Wandering stars. They are not fixed, they are not rooted in the truth, they are moved about, being unstable. 

For whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. This is where they are going. This will be where they wind up. They will be in the blackness of darkness ( one of the many descriptions of hell given to us in the Bible ) forever. This is the fate of their own choosing. This is what the Lord will do with them. 

Jude mentions a quote from Enoch. When Jesus comes back, He will come with the multitude of His saints. He will come to execute judgement upon these people. To convict them of all their ungodly deeds. And, please notice in verse 15 at the end of that verse, it says, "and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him" 

This is the fate that awaits these men. This is the Biblical teaching of God's judgement. It's no wonder, for God loves His church, and does not take kindly anyone who seeks to destroy it, and to harm His bride. These are His children, and they are being troubled by these men who have crept into the church. 

One last 1:16 it says These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage.

This is a further description of the ungodly. A number of things are said about them. They are first of all, grumblers. A grumbler, is someone who discontentedly complains against God. 
They are also said to be complainers. This word is also translated "finding fault" and means to complain of one's lot, and to be discontented. 

Going on, Jude says, "walking according to their own lusts" Which means, they are governed by their own desires, and are really doing what they want to do naturally. They are not allowing God to influence or guide them.

Finally, "they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage."
This of course does not need much explanation. It speaks for itself. They are big talkers, who are out to take advantage of people. 

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia