Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is the christian life. 3 examples are given to us here.

An example of the christian life.....

2nd Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ.

In this verse, we see what the Christian life looks like, when it's as it ought to be. In other words, what you see in Peter, is what God would have in our lives as well. So, here are 3 things to consider. 

First of all, a change has taken place. You have been born again. Peter, used both his old name and his new name in introducing himself in this letter. 
He had been called Simon, but, Jesus changed his name to Peter. That change of names, brings to my mind the truth of being born again. It certainly happened to Peter. And, it's happened to you if you have been saved, you have also been born again. You are a new creature in Jesus Christ.  See John 3:3, and  2nd Cor 5:17, and Titus 3:5

Secondly, you have been called to servanthood. Notice how Peter identifies himself. "A bondservant" Or more literally, a slave. It's when a person gives himself up to another's will, and becomes a servant of Christ, used by Christ in extending and advancing His cause among men. 
It's when a Christian is devoted to Christ, to the disregard of his or her own interests. It's to be an attendant to Jesus Christ. Waiting on Him, and serving Him. This is our reasonable and logical worship, to serve the Lord. 
See Rom 12:1-2

Finally, each Christian has a specific role to play in that service of Jesus Christ. In Peter's case, he had been called to be an apostle. Or a messenger of Jesus Christ, and was used to help lay the foundation of the church. 
He also was a pastor teacher, and an evangelist. 
Each Christian has at least one gift from God, to be used in service for Him.
And, it's through the use of that gift, or gifts, that we accomplish the will of God for our lives in serving Jesus Christ.  See Rom 12:3-8, 1st Cor 12, and Eph 4:1-16

The joy of new life, and of service for Christ. What could a man give in exchange for his soul. Thus, to be saved, is not only a work of God, and a gift from God, but, it's the greatest blessing a person can have in their life. 

And, it's truly more blessed to give then it is to receive. That's what Jesus said. See Acts 20:35. May God bless you in your new life, and in your service to Christ. And if by some chance you have become dormant in serving Him, then may I encourage you to stir up the gift of God in you, and let God get you back into service. 

Thank You Father, for Your grace, mercy and peace. May they all increase in our lives, through knowing You. 

Pastor Bob Grenier.