Thursday, January 2, 2014



2nd Cor 1:24 Not that we have dominion over your faith, but are fellow workers for your joy; for by faith you stand.

A word or two of explanation, and some application, and a prayer:

1. Paul is telling the believers in Corinth, and us today, something about leadership in the body of Christ.

2. What he is telling them and us, is that he and those in leadership in the body, do not have dominion over our faith.
The word dominion, means to exercise lordship over, to have power over. In other words, God's leaders in the body are not to see themselves as ruling over, or exercising lordship over the flock.

3. There are several other things that Paul says about leadership in the body.

(1) Leaders are fellow workers with those they lead. Or, that leaders are to work together with God's flock.

(2) Leaders are working together with the flock for their joy. The NLT, says, "We want to work together with you so you will be full of joy" There is a joy that God's people are to have, and it can be a fullness of joy. Joy, comes from a word meaning, glad, or gladly. And joy means gladness, joyful, a calm delight.

(3) God's people stand by faith. Or again, as the NLT has it, "as you stand firm in your faith." So, not only are believers to have joy, but, the Lord wants them to stand firm in their faith. Faith of course is to rely upon, to cling to, to trust in. But, to stand firm, has the idea of not being moved about, not being blown about by false teaching, etc. God's wants His people to be rooted and to be grounded in Christ. To stand Firm, unmoveable.

4. So, this is God's goal for leaders, for those they lead, it's joy, it's standing firm as we trust in, and rely upon, and depend upon our Lord.

5. How do we have this joy, and stand firm in Christ? Well, joy, is part of the fruit of the Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit is produced in our lives as simply abide in the Lord, and let His Word abide in us, and respond in obedience to God's Word. Not only will this kind of living in Christ produce joy, but, it will also result in our being able to stand firm in our walks. This is why it's so important to be Christians who truly are in God's Word. I like what I read once about walking with the Lord. "Let's not give lip service to God, but let's give life service to God"

A prayer:

Father, how thankful we are for having been adopted by You, and made not only Your children, but joint heirs with Christ.
And, Thank You that You have promised to bless us with Joy and Stability. Your Holy Spirit is our Helper. Lord, may You baptize us afresh, even now as we read this devotional. We pause and bow our hearts before You and ask that You fill us to overflowing with Your Spirit. Thank You Lord Jesus.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia