Friday, December 2, 2011

Gleanings from 3rd John. And personal insights.

Please see 3rd John's a one chapter letter.

Gaius, is believed to have been either a pastor, or a significant leader in a church body.
He was loved by John, for John tells him 4 times in this letter that he is "beloved"

I can think of no one that is more needy of encouragement and love then pastors. As you read this letter, it can give you a small hint of what a pastor may go through in his ministry. In this case, he was trying to do the work of ministry that was pleasing to God, and yet, he had this person Ditrophes, who was doing evil, and it no doubt made the work very, very difficult.

People generally see a pastor at his best as it were, there in the pulpit, teaching or preaching the Word of God. They have no idea of what he may have gone through that week, just trying to get to the pulpit. So, the next chance you get, give a word of encouragement to your pastor, it might just help lift a heavy load, you never know.

John was praying for Gaius to prosper and be in health. These are two matters, both on the physical plain.  Material prosperity and physical health. ( this verse is not as some "Word of faith " teachers have made it, the basis for a Biblical doctrine, that guarantees you will be healthy and wealthy. It was simply a prayer. But, it's a legitimate prayer, in that material prosperity is something one can pray for, and for health also. God is not against you prospering, it's just that He does not make it so that just because you are a christian that you will be what we would call wealthy. ( He may ) but, it's not a built in reality just because you are a believer. But, on the other hand, He is not against you prospering, and your praying for it is a very normal and acceptable prayer, one that is not out of God's will in a general sense.

Gaius was commended for a number of things by John.

1. The truth was in him.
2. He was walking in truth.
3. He brought joy to John's heart.
4. He was faithful to minister to the brethren and to strangers.
5. His love and ministry were spoken of by others where John was in a church.
6. He was involved in helping ministers and missionaries in their work.

The main thing that is brought out about Gaius is his financial suport, and  material provision for those who were going out for the gospel, i.e missionaries, and then his hospitality to complete strangers who were also missionaries. He was very, very involved in supporting them in their work, because they had no other means of support. God had called them to go out for His names sake and preach the gospel.

John affirms that we, ( that would include himself, and others who were with him, and then us today in our contemporary society and life ) ought to follow the example set forth by Gaius.
That is to provide the financial support that is needed for those who are called by God to go into what we call full time ministry.

The exact of opposite of Gaius is now mentioned. A man who was characterized by pride, and an unwillingness to accept John's authority and leadership. He was spewing out nonsense, and saying hateful things about and against John. He may have been a pastor himself, or a leader in a different church then the one Gaius was in.

Ditotrophes was not content with just some of the terrible things he was doing, but then would not welcome into the church the very people whom Gaius was welcoming and supporting.
Along with that rejection, he was also forbidding people in the church from supporting these ministers and missionaries. And, not only forbidding them, but then removing them from the church if they went against his wishes and orders.

It was his way or the highway as they say. He was evil, and not to be imitated. He was not doing good, and had not seen God. What a sad case it is, when you have people with a Diotrophes like spirit in the church. They disrupt the normal flow of ministry through their selfishness, and their unwillingness to humble themselves and receive from those appointed by God. These Diotrophe like people, actually hinder the work of God. They are going against what God wants, and they are preventing others from helping. These types of people do exist in the church today.

Ditrophes was being warned here by John, that if he came to that church, he would call to mind his deeds and his hatefulness. We do not know whatever happened to him. But, most pastors would probably tell you they have run into some of Diotrophe's long lost relatives in their own church's. People who make the work of ministry so difficult. These people have nothing to blame but their own selfishness and pride. It's incredible that someone would try to stop the work of God in any church.

On a better note, there was and are today, plenty  of Demtrius'es. In fact, they far outnumber, and outshine the Ditotrophe like persons.
He had a good testimony. Everyone spoke so well of him, and John says from the truth itself. In other words, he was living out what the Bible says. He was the Bible in action.
John and his associates were also bearing witness to the goodness of this man Demetrius.

John ends his letter with a prayer for peace. How that is needed in so many lives and churches.
Diotrophe like people rob churches of peace, and Demetrius and Gaius types, bring peace.
Pretty clear to see who knew the Lord and who did not.

Lord, may we be those who please You, and do things in a manner worthy of You.
Help us to be fellow workers in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia