Four positives about temptation.
- Because Jesus was a human being ( as well as God ) He is able to understand what you are going through when it comes to temptation.
- Ultimately, You will be blessed as you go through the temptation.
- We are promised that you can endure temptation.
- One day, You will be rewarded because of the temptations that you have gone through while down here on earth.
A prayer for those going through a time of temptation
Father, we would first of all like to
thank You, that You not only sent Jesus to die for our sins and thereby
provide forgiveness of our sins, and salvation for anyone who will turn
to Him, and believe in Him, and receive Him, but, You have also provided
a Savior, who understands what it is to be tempted, and can help us
when we are being tempted. Thank You for that Lord.
Also, as with everything You allow in
our lives, You wind up bringing a blessing into our lives as we abide in
You. So, even through temptation, there comes blessing. And, not only
that, but we thank You, for the promise that we can endure temptation.
You are greater then we are, You are greater then sin, and You have
given us faith in the greatest of all persons, Yourself. You are able to
cause us to endure. Thank You Lord.
Finally, Lord, this world and life,
which is so full of temptations, is not all there is. There is a
hereafter. And in the hereafter, we thank You for the sure promise of
rewards. We are not sure what the crown of life is, but we know it will
be good, and eternally a blessing from You. We love You, and we look
forward to being with you when we leave this world, and we thank You in
advance for the "Crown of Life" which you have promised to us.
In Jesus name.
Pastor Bob Grenier.