He is our brother or fellow family member in Christ, and our companion or partaker in tribulation, which means trouble, anguish, a pressing together, oppression, affliction, distress. He knew very personally what it was to have trouble in his life. But, he lived to write about it. God used him to share with us, this wonderful book of Revelation.
He also mentions, "in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ" The kingdom, is the domain if you will of God's personal and direct rule and blessing in the lives of His people. He is over all things, but He also has made open to any who will believe, entrance into His family and rule. It's His kingdom. It's described in various ways in the Bible, but here, John, says "patience"
Patience, means, steadfastness, enduring, patient continuance, patient waiting. It's the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings. It speaks of sustaining perseverance.
Companions in tribulation and patience. He knew what trouble and pressure were, and he also knew what it was to endure the pressure and the trouble. To patiently endure.
John heard the voice of God speak to him. And, the Lord went on to identify Himself to John, and was then instructed to write what he was seeing in this vision, and send it on to the seven churches who are mentioned in chapters 2-3. And, that's basically what the book of Revelation is about. It's about what the Lord showed John, as recorded in these chapters.
Not only did John hear God's voice speak to him, but he also saw Jesus standing as it were in the midst of "seven golden lampstands" These lampstands, represent the seven churches. We know that, because Rev 1:20 tells us what the lampstands are.
The Lord is in His church. His church is the light of the world, because of Him. He is the light of the world, and He has made us the light of the world. And, He wants to shine through each and every one of the members of His church.
Jesus was then described in great detail by John. From head to feet, including His clothing. The clothing is similar to how the priests would be dressed in the Temple and in the Tabernacle of God.
Jesus is our high priest, and as such, He represents us to God, and represents God to us. That was the function of the priests. He still is that for us today. Our representative if you will.
His clothing also signifies Him as judge. So, He is both priest and judge.
He is also the holder of His pastors and leaders. He holds the seven stars that are in the midst of the lampstands. This is a point of great comfort to any and all who are in places of ministry in the church. Jesus holds you. He has you in His hand. What a great place to be.
John, also mentions the Word of God, saying the Word of God was like a sharp two edged sword. The power of God's Word. It's a sharp sword. Sharp on the two edges or sides. Not dull, but sharp. It's able to pierce even to the dividing of our soul and spirit. It can get to us, more deeply and at the most important levels possible in this life. God speaks to us as does no one else.
A few thoughts for reflection and application.
1. We are not the only ones who are blessed and troubled.
2. God has a large family.
3. Some of the family is already in heaven.
4. Some of the family are here on earth.
5. Our family is in the Kingdom of God.
6. Trouble and patience are two characteristics of our family.
7. Everyone has trouble, especially those who live for Christ.
8. Everyone can have patience, it's a blessing from God.
9. God's Word is given to us, for blessing.
10. God's Word in Revelation, teaches us the future of the world.
11. Jesus is not far away, He is in His people.
12. Jesus is with your pastor.
13. Pastor's can find comfort in knowing they are in Jesus's hand.
14. Jesus represents us to the Father.
15. Jesus will judge the world and all men outside of the kingdom one day.
16. What John saw, we will also see one day with our own eyes.
May the Lord bring you peace today, if you are a troubled soul. May He give you patience today also. He is with you, and He has a good hold on you. May you be blessed in your walk today.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia