Thursday, January 26, 2012

The four creatures around the throne of God.......

Here in Revelation 4:6-8a much is said about these four creatures, that is, what they look like, and what they say, and what happens when they say what they say.

First of all, there are said to be 4 of these creatures. See 4:6b. And, they are of course living, but they are full of eyes in front and back. What interesting creatures. John does not tell us much else about them, except what is said in the next few verses.

Secondly, John describes each one of them. The first one was like a lion, the second, like a calf, the third had the face of a man, and the fourth one, was like a flying eagle.

Thirdly, it's worth noting, that in 4:7, when John is attempting to describe these creatures, he uses the word "like" 3 times. So, the creatures were like etc, etc. This was his best attempt to tell us what he saw. They were like a lion, calf, man, and eagle.

Fourthly, each of the creatures had six wings, and then says "were full of eyes around and within" It's difficult to imagine what he saw. For example, a lion, with 6 wings, and eyes in front and back, and here, eyes around and within. 4:8a

Fifthly, these creatures never rest, not day or night. But, they are continually speaking, and here's what they say, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is, and is to come" So, they do talk, and all of their speech is really praise, and they are in their praise describing the Lord saying a number of things about Him. He is holy, He is the Lord God, He is Almighty, and He was, and He is, and He is to come.

Some further thought for reflection and application.

1. The throne is actually at the center of all this activity. God Himself on His Throne. His throne reminds of us of the fact, that God is in control of all things, since He is above and before all things.

2. The throne being central here, also reminds us of our keeping Christ central, or keeping Christ first, or keeping Him the main priority in our lives. He will be uppermost once we are in heaven. And, we can keep Him that way in our lives now day by day.

3. The creatures are alive, and so are we in Christ. We were dead, but now, we are alive.

4. The creatures are different looking from one another, but they are all tuned in as it were upon the Lord. We here in the body of Christ, are also very different one from another, yet, we have one Savior, one Lord, etc. We are alike in that regard.

5. The creatures have wings, which speak of movement. Only God knows what movement we will have once we arrive in heaven. Where will we go, what will we do, etc, etc. Again, only the Lord knows.

6. They have eyes all around and within. Eyes of course are for seeing. So, that which is outside of us, can be understood by our minds within. We once were blind to the things of God, but now we can see. And when we get to heaven, we will see the Lord as never before. There must be so much of God that these creatures need eyes in abundance to take in His great, great glory.

7. The creatures can move, see and they can speak. What they speak about is the Lord. And they say many things about Him. There is so much to say about God, and the Bible tells us all that God wants us to know for the time being.

8. The creatures are aware in detail of who the Lord is, and they talk about each of those truths. One that is of interest to us in this study, is the truth that the Lord "is to come" He is coming again to the earth. That's one of main and primary teachings here in the Book of Revelation.

9. May the Lord give us great understanding about Him. May we see Him through the eyes of faith, and may we move about in response to His will, and may we declare His greatness to any and to all that we may come in contact with.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia