Proverbs 14:29 He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, But he who is impulsive exalts folly.
The man who is slow to wrath, slow means, longsuffering, and longwinded, and patient, and wrath, means, anger, has great understanding. Understanding means, right, well, fitted, and good, to be level, and to be smooth, as opposed to rough spots.
And, then in contrast to the man who is slow to wrath we are told that the person who is impulsive exalts folly. To be impulsive is of course to do something quickly and without thinking, and it leads to foolishenss.
A patient man has understanding, and an impulsive man brings foolishness.
In context, it’s not just talking about being an impulsive person ( though that does lead to foolishness ), but it’s talking about not controlling yourself when your angry, and just letting your anger out. It will come to no good end.
Anger in and of itself is not sinful, but it can lead us to sin. What we need when we are angry is self control. To control oneself in those moments of anger is indeed to have understanding, because we know what lack of self control can do.
Galatians 5:23, speaks of the self control being something the Holy Spirit gives to us.
Perhaps one of the best things we can do in moments of anger is to stop and pray within ourselves to the Lord. Easier said then done, but nonetheless the best course of action.
Father, how many times we need You, and Your power to help us with ourselves and our sins, and our problems. Thank You that You do not forsake us or abandon us, but rather are here and can be found in our times of need. We love You.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia
1. Remember God does not condemn you for your failures.
2. He also forgives our sins when we confess them.
3. And, He wants to help us overcome our sins and failures.
4. He loves you.
5. He hears you when you call.
6. He will never leave you.
7. He is faithful to help us.