John went to the angel who was holding the little book, and said to him, "Give me the little book"
The angel replied, and said to John, "Take and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but it will be sweet as honey in your mouth"
John took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it, and it was sweet as honey in his mouth, and when he had eaten it, it did become bitter in his stomach.
The angel then told John, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tonques, and kings"
What an interesting part of this chapter. It's also not really explained to us as to what this little book is, and why it was sweet, and then made John's stomach bitter.
However, it's believed that the little book simply includes the truth of what will happen in the future, which means the coming judgement of God on the earth.
Some thoughts for reflection, explanation and application.
1. God has a plan for the future of our world.
2. That plan is contained in the book of Revelation ( and other books of the Bible )
3. For the Christian, there is a two-fold effect of seeing and understanding God's plan.
4. That two fold effect is both a blessing, and brings a sense of grief.
5. It's a blessing to know God's plan, and realize what God will do.
6. It's also a sad grief to realize the fact of God's coming judgement.
7. See 2nd Thessalonians 1 for a detailed explanation of this blessing and grief.
More thoughts for reflection, explanation and application.
1. God has a big book for us to take, receive and understand.
2. That book is the Holy Bible.
3. God's truth, plans, grace, mercy and peace are revealed to us in the Bible.
4. The Lord wants us to receive His Word, and have understanding of it.
5. God's Word does bring us great joy, and hope.
6. When we see what will happen to mankind, it also makes us sad.
7. The message of judgement is not a pleasant reality to consider.
8. Jesus wept over Jerusalem as He thought about what would happen to them.
9. The rejection of God does not bring joy
10. Receiving God's truth is the greatest blessing there is.
Yet even more for reflection, explanation and application
1. Like John, God has more for you do to before you leave this world.
2. God used John, and was going to further use him.
3. God may have used you, and would like to use you further.
4. God wants His Word to shine through our lives.
5. Just think of how many people need salvation.
6. Who comes to mind, as you think about who needs Christ?
7. Will you take just a moment to pray for them right now?
8. How might God use you to reach them?
9. Just think if God saved you, He can save them.
The days we are living in, are perhaps the very last days of man's history on earth as we know it.
May we redeem the time, or buy up the opportunities to be used by the Lord to make a difference through His Word.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia