Friday, February 22, 2013

How can the weak be strong?

Joel 3:10b "Let the weak say, I am strong" How can this be, that a weak person can say, I am strong

Let me ask it again.

How can this be, that a weak person can say, I am strong, and then be strong? 

Well, first of all, if God says it, it has to be true, because God does not lie, and He cannot lie.

This verse is actually speaking prophetically of the blessings of the second coming, and of Jesus Christ's deliverance of His people during that time. 

But, the truth of this verse is not merely for the future, it's for us today. How do we know that, because Paul the apostle spoke of it in 2nd Corinthians 12:10b "For when I am weak, then I am strong"

He was speaking of what he had learned from Christ and about Christ and the strength that Christ gives to His people. 

Paul had come to experience on a personal level, that at the worst of times in his life, during the most difficult of all experiences, when he was brought to the end of himself, that it was then that he really found the strength of God in his life.

I think we can all identify with what we are like when all is going well, and we don't seem to have any problems at all. ( Not that those times are somehow not to be appreciated and enjoyed, they are from God also ) but, when we are in those "good" times, we can begin to become self sufficient and self reliant as it were. 

But, when the winds of trouble and sorrow come, they can sober us up very quickly, ( sometimes it takes more wind of trouble then others ) but, they can eventually lead us to see our own weakness, and then we realize how self reliant we are, and begin to turn back to the Lord for His strength. We become dependent on God, God dependent once again. 

So, how can the weak be strong? By turning to our strength, who is Jesus Christ, and we will find strength. 

God calls us to have faith in Him, and to believe that He is our strength etc. There is nothing magical about saying what is found there in Joel 3:10b, but, rather it's speaking to our belief in God. 

May God help us today, to find our strength in God, and exercise our faith in Him. 

Blessings to you. 

Bob Grenier