Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Pro 6:16 There are six things the LORD hates--no, seven things he detests:
Pro 6:17 haughty eyes a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent,
Pro 6:18 a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong,
Pro 6:19 NLT a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord among brothers.
Exodus 20:16 NKJV  “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Some explanatory and applicational thoughts:
1. There are some things God hates, and as you can see there is a long list of them above in Pro 6:16-19
2. God also included, not bearing false witness in His Ten Commandments. False witness, means, lying, falsehood, wrongfully, deceitful, liar, to deceive, to defraud, to have a false tongue. We are not to be like this. It's breaking God's law if we do.
3. The word hates, means, " to consider personally offensive and to regard with enmity" Another way of understanding this, is that people who do the things that God hates, have in fact become His enemies. 
4. God is truth, and knows the truth about any and all lies that may be being said to you, or about you
5. God hates lying because He is the source of truth. The Devil is the father of lies, and he cannot tell the truth. 
6. The truth is, that God allows certain things to come our way, and one thing He asks us to do, is to pray for our enemies, who in this case are also His enemies. 
7. One last thought. In heaven, everyone knows the truth. And there is coming a day, either down here, or up there, that lies will be seen and known for what they are. 
A short prayer:
Lord, You were lied about, and until it happens to us, it does not hurt too much. But, when it does, we feel it deeply. You know what it's like, You can sympathize with us in this. You also have asked us to pray for our enemies. So, we would like to do that right now, and right here. Father, would You please extend Your grace, mercy and love to our enemies. We know, that except for Your grace, "There go I" as the saying goes. 
Keep us from lying tongues. Both, our own not telling lies, and from having lies told about us. Let us be those who tell the truth in love. In Jesus’ name. 
Pastor Bob Grenier