Wednesday, January 8, 2014



2nd Cor 2:9 Furthermore when I came to Troas to preach Christ's gospel, and a door was opened to me by The Lord "

Some explanatory thoughts, application, and a prayer:

1. Paul is letting the church in Corinth know what had happened to him, when he arrived in the greek city of Troas. And, he was letting them know why he came to the city of Corinth.

2. He says, "And a door was opened to me by The Lord" Here are some thoughts about open doors, or God's will and opportunities for us.

(1) Paul was on a mission for The Lord. In other words, He was already serving God in one capacity. It's easier to find the door's God opens when we are already doing what He wants us to do, and such was the case with Paul.

(2) In particular Paul came to this city to do more of God's will, and his case, that was to "Preach the Gospel" This was Paul's determination in life, to preach Christ, because this was what God had called him to do. Again, if you are already doing what God has called you to do, I believe it's easier for us to see and find the doors that God opens and wants to open for us.

(3) God uses people to do His will. Is He using you at this time? Are you in His will at this time? Are you seeking His will at this time? I say at this time, because, perhaps you have in the past been seeking His will, or plan to seek His will in the future. But, what about now, what about at this time.

(4) God is focused if you will on getting the good news of His Son's work on the cross out to people, because He does not want anyone to perish, but that all would repent and come to salvation. See 2nd Pet 3:9

(5) So, if The Lord can find someone who is in tune with Him, and His plans, then, He will not only use them, but He will do for them as He did for Paul. God wants to open doors for You to walk through, so that He can continue to use You in the wonderful plans that He has for Your life.

3. One other thing about open doors. See 1st Cor 16:9b For a great and effectual door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

(1) Again, it's The Lord who opened the door, but Satan was not far behind. God wants to accomplish His will in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Satan works to oppose the work of God. It's been this way from the days of Adam and Eve, and it's that way now, and it will be that way all the way till The Lord comes back.

(2) So, in one sense, it's kind of encouraging if You are seeing and open door, and are trying to go through it, but are experiencing opposition. Its a sign You are on the right track.

(3) Two thoughts here about what you can do with the open door that God has provided. One, is You continue to stand firm in Your faith, and resist the devil, And, secondly, just do what God has placed in front of you to do. Just be faithful.

4. In closing, there is another open door that will one day be opened for each and everyone of one of God's children. And, that door is the door into heaven as it were. One day, when Your work down here is done, God will call You home, and personally welcome You, and open the door to heaven for You. And, guess what, there will be no more adversaries there. Because, the devil will not be there with you. He is going to wind up in the lake of fire, not heaven.

A prayer:

Father, thank You that we can even be in Your will for starters. And, thank You for the joy of serving You here on earth. Thank You for opening the doors for us to continue to do Your Will. And, thank You that we can have victory over our adversaries. We love You Father.  In Jesus name.

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia