See 1st John, 2:18-29
This is another stated reason for writing this letter. The first four reasons are......
That you may have fellowship with us, and with the Father, Son and Spirit.
That your joy may be full.
That you sin not..
Concerning those who try to deceive you.
Here in 2:18-29, John explains that it is the last hour, and then gives alot of detailed explanation about that statement.
The last hour, means, the last days. Jesus Christ is coming back to the earth. They had been taught that "Anti-Christ" was coming. Anti, meaning against, and Christ here, meaning instead of the true Christ. This man is coming. See 2nd Thess 2, and Rev 13.
But, John, add, there are many antichrists already. Others who were against Christ, and promoting another Christ as it were. These many antichrists, are for us evidence of the last hour, last days.
They, ( antichrists ) went out from among us. These had been there with the apostles and other true believers, but, they were not of "us" they were not true christians. Had they been, they would have continued with the apostles, but, they left, and were thus seen for what they were all along, they in fact were not of us. They were antichrists. They had a different doctrine, and they were against the true Jesus as presented in the Word of God and here in this letter by John.
However, John says concerning his readers, his little children in Christ, he tells them what they have, and it's effect upon them.
They have an "anointing from the Holy One" What is this? It's a ref to the work of the Holy Spirit within them, that results in them knowing all things. Or, being able to discern, distinguish between truth and error.
Here's another reason not mentioned yet.
See 1John 2:21......
I've not written to you because you do not know the truth, but just the opposite, it's because you do know the truth, and that no lie ( falsehood, no intentional falsehood, whatever is not what it seem to be, perverse, deceitful ) and in context, he is talking about false teaching, specifically teaching concerning Jesus Christ.
Liars, are people who deny that Jesus is the Christ. That person is antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
Now, what does this mean?
Please notice, the serious consequences to this denial. See 1st John 2:23.
The person who denies the Son, does not have the Father either. He who acknowledges, or believes in Jesus Christ, has the Father also.
So, what is this lie, and who are these liars? The denial that Jesus is the Christ, or the Messiah, that God has come in the flesh, that Jesus Christ, was and is God, and that He came also into this world in the form of a human being, a man, and at the same time remaining God. See 1st John 4:3. This is the most serious error, and lie that a person could tell and believe in, for it means they will not have the Father, and without the Father, they have no salvation.
So, in light of all this, the reality of the antichrists, the departure from their midst of these people, the lies they were telling about Jesus, and what they ( the true christians knew, and had in themselves, ) he says, "let that abide in you, or let what you know and have been taught stay in your life, don't depart from it, and don't let it depart from you. If you let it stay with you, then you will abide in the Son and in the Father.
And, here's the promise that He has promised us. ETERNAL LIFE.
So, this is why I've written to you, it's out of concern for you, because of those who try to deceive you. Those who would try and lead you astray. Those who would promote another Christ, and try to get you to deny what you have had from the beginning, and adopt this false teaching.
Lastly, he says, the anointing you have received from the Lord, it abides with you, ( it's really the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit, giving you that discernment ........see 1st John 2:20 )
You do not need anyone to come along and teach you some new doctrine is the idea in 2:27b. The Holy Spirit is, and will continue to teach you all the things you need to know. He is true, and He is not a liar, and just as He has taught you, you will continue in Him. The Holy Spirit's faithful teaching in your life, is an assurance of your continuing on in the Lord.
And now he says in 2:28-29.......Abide in Him, stay in Him, stay with Him, don't depart from Him, that when He appears we will have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. Just stay with Him. He is going to come again, and when He does, because you have remained in Him, you will be confident, and not be ashamed.
This chapter ends with a thought that will be very developed in the next chapter. It's been being dealt with already in one form or another in the first two chapters, but will get additional detailed treatment in the next 3 chapters.
1st John 2:29 If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.
We know what Jesus is, and we also know that everyone who is like Him, is born of Him, or are truly born again, are from Him, know Him, are saved, are abiding in Him, are in the light, in the truth, and are saved. Similarity to Jesus is the evidence of new life.
Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia