Friday, December 30, 2011

As you go into the new year, some thoughts to consider, and apply

Paul was looking forward to the future, but making plans in the present. Here are a few simple thoughts and truths from Scripture, that I pray will be an encouragement to you. 

God had been at work in the past in Timothy's life, just has He has in yours. Those things in the past are a bridge into where Timothy was at the time of this writing, and the same would apply to each and every Christian. .  See 2nd Tim 1:6-18  Here's a quick recap of that section. ( Taking what was said and what was true of Timothy, and applying these Scriptural truths and principles to your own life )

1. Your spiritual giftedness may need to be stirred up.
2. God has not given you a spirit of fear.
3. But rather of power, love, and a sound mind.
5. Do not be ashamed of Christ's testimony.
6. Do not be ashamed of other Christians.
7. Share in the sufferings for the gospel's sake.
8. Sufferings are helped and endured by God's power.
9. God has saved you, and called you. 
10. Salvation is not based on your works.
11. Salvation is based on God's purpose and grace.
12. Salvation was given to us in Christ Jesus.
13. Salvation and Christ Jesus were before time began. 
14. Salvation has now been revealed to us. 
15. Salvation has appeared to us in Christ Jesus.
16. Salvation means, death is abolished.
17. Salvation brought life and immortality to light. 
18. Salvation is brought to light in the gospel of Christ. 

There were a few more things that Paul said to Timothy, that can be directly applied to our lives as well. 

1. God has an appointment for you in ministry.
2. God determines our appointments to and in ministry.
3. Ministry and suffering go together.
4. Not being ashamed and ministry go together also.
5. We know who we have believed in. 
6. We are persuaded He is able to keep us.
7. We can and ought to commit ourselves to Him.
8. He keeps those who know Him. 
9. Commitment now, is connected with the future day. 

Even more things to do from Paul to Timothy

1. Hold fast the pattern of sound Words.
2. Hold them fast in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus.
3. Keep by God's Spirit, what He has committed to you. 
4. Be merciful even to those who hate you. 

Now, onto the the future. Here are some really wonderful truths and blessings, and points of application from Scripture. 

1. Be made being strong in the grace in Jesus Christ.
    In other words, in light of who you are, and the gifts God has 
    given you, find your strength day by day in God's grace.
    That grace is found in Christ Jesus.

2. Commit the things you have heard to other faithful men.
    You have heard many things, i.e truths over your time in 
    Christ, and that's what you can pass on to others. 

3. Others can take the truths of Jesus Christ, and, can teach
    others as well. It's passing on what you know to others.

4. Endure the hardships like a good soldier would endure them.

5. No one who is engaged in warfare can get entangled with 
    the affairs of this life. In other words, stay focused on your

6. The Christian life is often described in military terms.

7. Be like an athlete. Or stick to the rules. Athletes must play 
    by the rules, or they cannot win the crown. 

8. Hard working farmers, also enjoy tasting and eating of their

Lastly, Paul encouraged Timothy to simply consider what he had been saying, and explained that the Lord would give him understanding in these things. Consideration of God's Truths are blessed by God, who gives the "considerer" understanding or insight. 

Remember Jesus Christ, from the seed of David, was raised from the dead, according to the gospel that Paul the apostle preached. 

Paul suffered because he was a preacher of the gospel. He was put in prison, but, he mentions that God's Word is never bound. 

Finally, Paul endured all that he did endure for the sake of the elect. He was dedicated to serving God's people. And, he was dedicated to serving the Lord, with others coming to faith as well. He was an evangelist. He was committed to evangelism. 

Well, I trust that the above thoughts from God's Word may be of some encouragement to you. And, may God truly bless His work in and through your life as we move into this New Year. 

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

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