Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand" Rev 20:1-3

This is nearly the end of the things the Lord showed John, those things that he was to write and then send to the 7 churches listed in chapters 2-3.

This unnamed angel came down from heaven ( by the way, the Bible teaches that there is an innumerable company of angels that have been created. And, many of them are in heaven )
But, this angel, came down, and he had two things in his hand. 

1. The key to the bottomless pit.
2. A great chain in his hand. 
3. The bottomless pit. 

These would be similar to what we see a police officer having, that is, a key to a set of handcuffs, and a jail cell if you will. 

As far as I know there is not much else said about these two items ( other then a mention here or there in Revelation ) I just don't know much about these things. But, I do believe of course that they exist. The pit, the key, and the chain. 

But, once John sees the angel, the angel then lays hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and binds him in this pit for 1000 years. He will be incarcerated in this pit for this very, very long period of time. 

In fact, it may be like he will be in solitary confinement. Left there by himself, all alone as it were. 

Here is what John says.........

1. He is cast into it.

2. He is bound there for 1000 years. 
3. He is shut up in the pit. ( can't get out, i.e door locked, and in chains. )
4. He has a seal set upon him. ( this apparently has to do with securing Satan there )
5. He will not deceive the nations during this 1000 years. 
6. He will be released at the end of the 1000 years for a little while. 

A few additional thoughts in reflection. 

Things on earth are often a picture of things in heaven, or temporal, physical things, are often a picture of spiritual invisible things. Jails, Jailers, keys, prisons, etc.

I wonder how frustrated Satan will be during the 1000 years.?

Satan will most likely not be able to communicate with the outside world.

Satan will not be allowed any visitors, or receive mail or care packages in the pit. 

He would know that he will be released at the end.

He knows what the Bible says. 

He has a faith in the Bible if you will.

He will still do his deceiving at the end. 

He will ultimately wind up in the lake of fire.

A few more thoughts in reflection.

1. We are free in Christ.
2. We are not going to a pit, but to heaven.
3. We are not chained, but bound with cords of love to God.
4. We know the truth, and are free in a sense from deception. 
5. We have angels who help us not bind us and place us in a pit. 
6. We are in possession now of eternal life.
7. We will ever be with the Lord.
8. We are not going to the lake of fire. 

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia.