Wednesday, May 11, 2011

3 things that can come into our lives

Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom.

This verse tells us of several things that can come into our lives.
It might be more appropriate to say that there are a total of four things that are mentioned in this verse.

Let's count them.........pride, shame, humility, and wisdom.

Two of these are really from within us, and they serve as the basis for what will happen to us as the result.

First of comes from within, and when it comes, it brings shame.
Pride means insolence, or presumptuousness, also translated, arrogance......If we are walking in this, we will then have comes with pride, or from pride.....Shame means disgrace, and dishonor.
So, pride and shame go together.

Then, we have humility and wisdom. To walk in humility, means that we walk in a lowly way, or a modest way. Sometimes it's defined as having an accurate view of oneself. We are just earthen vessels.
But, if we are humble, then we will have wisdom. Meaning, the skillful man, to have our wits about us.

Well, Lord, help us to be humble and avoid shame, and have wisdom.

We love you, in Jesus name.

Pastor Bob Grenier


  1. Amen to that Pastor Bob. I just found out you have a blog and I look forward to following along.

  2. Hi Julie. Just now saw your comment. Thanks for the encouragement.
    Always appreciate you guys.
    Blessings to you and your family.
