Monday, June 13, 2011

What makes the heart sick, or happy?

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.

Here are told what can make the heart sick. If we are hoping for something, that is if we are waiting for it, if we are expecting it, and it is deferred, or dragged on, or prolonged, delayed, it can and will make us sick.

Sick here, means to become weak, wounded, sorry, and grieved.

When the thing we desire does not happen when we want it to, we can become filled with sorrow.

But, when the desire comes it is a tree of life. This is of course the other side of the proverbial coin. When the thing that we have been hoping for, and waiting for comes to pass, we are so blessed. This is the image the Lord gives us to describe what it's like within our hearts. It's like a tree of life within our souls and our minds.

This is one of those verses in the Bible, especially in Proverbs that just explains what really happens in life, and what can happen to us, both with sadness, and with gladness. It tells us what can make us sick and what can make us happy.

And, this verse also can help us to think through how we are dealing with the desires of our heart and life. And, what is the best way to deal with them, so as not to become sick and sad and grieved.

The Lord teaches us through His Word, to trust Him with our lives, our thoughts, our desires, hopes, etc, etc. To trust the Lord is to leave the outcome of all things with Him, in His hands, and to not try and force our way, but to let the Lord bring about His way in His time, and in His way.

There is certainly nothing wrong with having the desires have, but, we can avoid alot of heart sickness by surrendering those things to the Lord.

There is one desire that we have, and we will not be disappointed in. And, that is the fact that one day, we will see the Lord face to face, and be with Him forevermore.

Also, we can count on the fact, that the Lord in His wisdom and love, is indeed working all things together for our good. We often cannot see the good that is coming from what we call a bad situation. But, just because we can't see it, does not mean it isn't being worked for our good.

Lord, We thank You for the comfort we find in life through Your Word. It's so fitting for our lives, and our circumstances. Would You help us Lord to give ourselves to You, and do indeed surrender what we want, and trust Your wisdom, timing and plans.

Pastor Bob Grenier

Calvary Chapel Visalia

Application/ Promises.

1. His ways are not our ways.

2. His ways are much better then our ways.

3. His ways are for our good, not our destruction.

4. His ways are explained to us in the Bible

5. His ways have to do with the right way.

6. His ways are shown to us through prayer.

7. His ways become our ways through grace.

8. His ways bless us more then our ways can.


  1. His truths wash over our minds & redirect our thinking. Praise God for His Word!

  2. I love Ps. 37:4..."Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart"...In other words, if we delight in Him, He will put His desire in our heart...How wonderful! His will becomes our will.
