Saturday, October 8, 2011

How God uses His Word in our lives.

2 Pet 3:1  Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder),

2 Pet 3:2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior,

First of all, it's a blessing to know how God sees us, and refers to those in Christ. "Beloved" means, dearly beloved, or well beloved, esteemed, worthy of love. This is who we are in Christ. It's how the Lord regards you, and will regard you. You are beloved. 

Secondly, Peter explains why he is writing his second letter, ( which is the same reason he wrote the first one ) It was to stir up their pure minds by way of reminding them. To stir, means to move an implement round and round in a liquid or other substance in order to mix it thoroughly. It means to cause movement, to wake, to rise from sleep, begin or cause to be active. To arouse strong feeling in. This was Peter's intention, and it's something that is needed from time to time in the lives of his readers, and of us today in Christ. We need to be stirred up in the best sense of the Word. Active for Christ, and in the knowledge of and service to Christ. 

Reminding is one of the ways of stirring up. Bringing something to the mind, and in this case the Word of God has the effect of stirring up the life. 

Thirdly, and here's the main point Peter is making, "that you may be mindful of the words spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior. What does it mean to be mindful? It means "Conscious or aware of something" And, it means inclined, or intending to do something. So, to be aware of God's Word, and having the inclination to be a doer of it. 

Interesting to note that Peter specifies the "holy prophets" which was a reference to the prophets from the OT. Abraham, Moses, David, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, etc, etc. Virtually, the entire OT as it were. And, Peter then places the OT prophets right there on the same par as the Apostles of Jesus Christ. In other words, it's the entire Word of God. 

So, we are loved by God, we are dear to Him, and He wants us to be stirred up by having His Word brought to our minds and hearts, that we might be inclined to live as we ought in these last days. His Word is the way in which we are aroused to love and service. The entire Word of God has been given to us, for our souls benefit and blessing, and transformation. 

Paul spoke of the Word of God and it's being taught and preached to God's people as the "whole counsel" of God. And, thus what a blessing to be able to go through the entire Bible, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book.  Right now in our own church here @ Calvary Chapel Visalia, we are almost half way through the book of Isaiah. We call this our "through the Bible study" And, on Wed nights we will cover anywhere from 1-2 or 5-7 chapters of the Bible, depending on each chapters length and content, and the leading of the Holy Spirit on that evening. 

I do pray that each of us might be men and women of the Word, and that we might benefit from it, in the ways that Peter is describing here in his letter. May we be roused up in love for God, and for one another and for the world around us. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Pastor Bob Grenier. 

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