Wednesday, January 22, 2014



2nd Cor 3:3 Clearly, you are a letter from Christ prepared by us. It is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on stone, but on human hearts. NLT

Some explanatory thoughts, application, and a prayer:

1. Paul was identifying what the Holy Spirit had done in the hearts of the believers in Corinth. ( Note, he was doing this because he was being accused of being a false apostle, not really sent from God ) But, this is an interesting way of describing the Holy Spirit's work in the lives of those who have come to faith in Christ.

2. He calls Christians, "A letter from Christ prepared by us" Isn't that interesting? Or as some have said, "Christians are living letters from God" What does one do with a letter? They read it. And, thus, God has sent you into the world, saved by Him, to be His living letter to others, so that they can hear what He has to say to them.

3. Now, what do you suppose is the message in the letters that He writes ( that is what is the message He is trying to convey through You, His living letter?.) Suppose you got a letter from the IRS. Usually, that's not a happy moment. You open it, hoping that it's not bad news, i.e, that you owe them money. Letters are meant to convey some type of message, and it's no different with God's living letters. He has a message.

4. In fact, God is the Postman if you will, and He delivers His letters not just to one person, but to many, and He delivers it day, after day, after day. He sends His letters out to scores and scores of people, over, and over, and over. He sends You, and again, what is the message in the letter? In a sense, overall if you will, it's "The good news, the glad tidings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ"
And, that good news is summed up in the next two verses.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:17“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

5. You see, your life shows what happens when someone puts their faith in Christ to be saved. He saves them, and then as you start to grow, the truth of God's good news, becomes more and more evident. Sometimes, God refers to us as the "light of the world" Indeed, the world is dark, and how it needs the light of the truth of God in it.

6. So, may I end this devotional by saying thank You to God, for making You a living letter, a light in this dark world. And, may I encourage you to remember, that people are reading you every time they see you, and may it be "A good read".

May they be able to see Jesus in you, and through your life, your words, your actions, your tone of voice, your love for God, and your love for them. May you use your talents, time, energy, resources to be the best letter you can be, and may you be a good letter of His truth.

A prayer:

Lord, thank You for the human letters we see each day. Thank You for the human letters that You used to speak to us about Yourself, and Your love for us, and how You wanted to save us from eternal separation from You. Thank You Lord. Now, please send us out this day, in Large Print as it were, easy to read, with a clarity of message. Your message Lord, Your message.
In Jesus name, amen

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia.

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