Wednesday, August 20, 2014



Psalm 37:9 For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth.

Some explanatory thoughts, application, questions, and a prayer:

This Psalm, is simply called, "A Psalm of David" But, it's more than something simple.
It's chock full of truth.
Truth about God, about man, about grace, about sin, and about the ways of the Lord and the ways of man
It tells us of how the Lord acts towards people and what the future holds for people.

1. Sadly their are evildoers, and they shall be cut off.
Psalm 37:9 For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth.

Evildoers exist because of sin. We were all born sinners but we all do not have to remain in that state.
We can be born again, forgiven of our sins, and made children of God, heirs of God, and citizens of heaven.
And, we can look forward to spending eternity with God.

But, for those who refuse Christ, and insist on having their own way, the future is a far different picture.
They shall be cut off.
Cut off means that they will not enter heaven, but will stand before the Great White Throne Judgement of God and then consigned to the Lake of fire forever and ever.

This is what the future holds for evildoers.

2. Happily there are those who wait on the LORD, and they shall inherit the earth.
Psalm 37:9 For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth.

But for those who have come to faith, trusted in Christ to save them, and have been saved from and forgiven of their sin, the future is glorious.

Notice what it says awaits those who wait or trust in the Lord. "The shall inherit the earth" This is speaking of our reigning and ruling with Christ during his 2nd coming back to earth for 1000 years, and inheriting the new earth that God will prepare for his people.

We as sinners, evildoers have had a terrible past, but in coming the cross we have been changed by God and have entered into His family, and enjoy the rich hope of the most glorious future available to any human being.

Some questions:

1. Have you personally come to Christ for salvation?

2. If you have not will you please today, turn from your sins, and place your faith in Christ?

3. Will you ask God to reveal His mercy, grace and love to You?

4. Do you know that God will take no pleasure if you die in your sins?

5. And do you know that there will be joy in heaven if you repent of your sins and come to Christ?

A prayer:

Father there are two roads. A narrow and a wide. We were all on the wide one leading to destruction, but You met us along the way and said, turn in here, turn and come onto this narrow road that leads to heaven. Oh Lord whom do we have in heaven but You to thank.
If it were not for Your mercies we would still be perishing. But now we are being saved. Thank You Lord. In Jesus name, amen

Pastor Bob Grenier
Calvary Chapel Visalia

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